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Buick versus Ford Event in Noble. Date of October 11, 2014, confirmed yesterday by the track.


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Not that it would have made much of a difference this year I don't think? I know this event has resisted putting in any rules other than what cars qualify for the event I would like to see a .5 breakout rule on the elimination pass. This running high 11's to low 12's in time trials and then kick off a mid 10 sec run is total BS!

I'm not a whiner... for people that know me I'll tell you like it is like it or not! I'll be back next year with a 10 sec Buick but it's no fun having to run a 8-9 sec Ford.

You wanna sandbag keep it within .5!

Dave: Historically, plenty of sandbagging has taken place on both sides and does not benefit either team. Another problem with a DQ rule is the consistency of a GN turbo car. It has been my experience that ET's can change in direct correlation to the changes to weather conditions. You qualify on a sunny day at 10 AM when it's 90 degrees and you race that afternoon at 3 and a cool front has move in and the temp is now 50 degrees, the ET's will not be the same; may be far enough difference that you would be DQ'qd based on some the DQ numbers mentioned above. This may not be a big problem in the future as the Ford guys have really gotten into turbo charged cars. Took them over 20+ years to figure out why the 6 cylinder grandma cars could kick their butts. It may have taken them awhile to make that change but they sure know now what a turbo can do.

If we want to win next year, we'll have to get our team up to the level of the 2010 team which beat the Fords 54-19. I agree that 10 second Team Buicks cars shouldn't be racing against 8 second Fords; we need 7-9 second cars on our team to race them at the 7, 8 and 9 second levels to keep us competitive with the 10, 11, 12 and 13 second cars winning the majority of their races.
The thing is David, a lot of those guys weren't sandbagging. They seriously had probably 25 7 second to 9 second rigs there, and we had probably 8-10 that could match them. So you 10 second guys got nailed by the 9 second cars because they were just faster than we were this time. We need the really fast John Schmidt, Bones, Superdog, Category 6, Gene Fleury type guys to show up if we are going to have a chance, or we are all going to have to get a second faster in our own cars...
i ran a 12.3 in qualifying replaced my coil and ran an 11.1 @126. i would have been disqualified. my car was really broke.
I have posted all the race footage from the event from my drone on the Ford vs Buick and the OK Buick Facebook page. Unfortunately, because I was in the F Group, I was only able to get the tail end of the F Group, my brother's race, but I did get all of Group E, D and C and then ran out of batteries for the drone. The page is easy to find, but if your not a facebook subscriber, PM me and we will figure out another way to post the video. Hope you enjoy a different view of the Valley.
I have posted all the race footage from the event from my drone on the Ford vs Buick and the OK Buick Facebook page. Unfortunately, because I was in the F Group, I was only able to get the tail end of the F Group, my brother's race, but I did get all of Group E, D and C and then ran out of batteries for the drone. The page is easy to find, but if your not a facebook subscriber, PM me and we will figure out another way to post the video. Hope you enjoy a different view of the Valley.
The footage is really great, a totaly different look at everything...
I can't find it at all and Ford vs. buick is a closed facebook.. am I doing something wrong?
I can't find it at all and Ford vs. buick is a closed facebook.. am I doing something wrong?

Try this. Is in a post by Blake.

Please spread the word about our Facebook page. It is simply "Ford vs Buick". Just ask to join and someone will add you.
I tried to add you John but it won't let me because we aren't friends. Just search the "ford vs. Buick" and sent a join request
The thing is David, a lot of those guys weren't sandbagging. They seriously had probably 25 7 second to 9 second rigs there, and we had probably 8-10 that could match them. So you 10 second guys got nailed by the 9 second cars because they were just faster than we were this time. We need the really fast John Schmidt, Bones, Superdog, Category 6, Gene Fleury type guys to show up if we are going to have a chance, or we are all going to have to get a second faster in our own cars...

For the most part your probably right but there are some. The Stang that ran against my son ran 12.0's in TnT and clicked off a 10.8 coasting at the big end in the finals. All I can say is "congrats to that asshole! I'll be looking for him next year!

And Broke sorry about that I know things can happen when the car is not running right I have been there before but you have to admit it looks like sandbagging.

And the vid on FB, I don't do FB can you post it on U tube?
I'll create a You tube channel and post here what it is. Please bear with me, traveling this week.

My wife is on FB and got on the page, found a vid 1:45 minutes long aerial view. Can't tell much and lot's of wind noise. :(
The 2015 race is set for Oct. 10th, 2015. We always have to dance around the big NHRA race though. They will be making their decision in December on what date they want. Unfortunately, they will get first dibs because of the money involved. Our 2nd choice will be Oct. 3rd, 2015. We could do Oct. 17th if Bowling Green would move to the 24th. Anyway, our date is 10/10/15 until further notice! As far as sandbagging goes, I will never be a proponent of a break out rule. This year, I was fighting gremlins in both of my cars and having to let off in qualifying. During finals, I ran into the same problems and had to lift in the finals. My white TT car ran like 10.26 in qualifying and should have run 9.26 if I had fixed things. So what if I did get my bugs worked out? Was I supposed to bracket race the cars, or go all out? I say go all out! There are TONS of GNs, Buicks in general, Oldsmobiles, and LS Pontiacs AND Fords that did not show because of the weather. Start recruiting your troops NOW boys and girls! I'm trying to keep this from becoming Super Chevy by holding back the LS Chevrolets, but heck, the Fords hate whipping up on you worse than you hate getting whooped! Let's all get to work recruiting!
Tighten up tech and many of those 9 second Fords (and some Buicks....) suddenly become 10.00 Fords or DQ'd Fords for running under their tech'd ET.
LOL Pringle I nearly choked laughing.

Good post Blake, hope your dad is doing better. Get the fast cars here or make yours faster, period. Otherwise we will get crushed worse than we did this year.
Man I searched all 539 photos and not 1 of me or my buddies car. Was there more photos taken?:(
Man I searched all 539 photos and not 1 of me or my buddies car. Was there more photos taken?:(

Not by me. There were a few other out there taking photos. Cannot believe I missed someone with 539 photos and my feet and back killing me after the event.

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