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C5 vette getts Scared


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Sep 22, 2001
I had just got done doing some little things with my car ,Fixixg an air bag , wiring a heated O2 and adding GNX emblems to my car which has the vents and the flares , you know for ****s and giggles. So ill heading back home to my apt and i see a nice new black Vette cruising , im on a section of road in Longisland which is quite good for a drag race so im thinking mabe he wants to play . I pull a little ahead of him so he gets a look at my new emblems and well hes game so at that i shut off my street tank watch as the pressure drop and turn on my race gas , then turn up my boost to about 22psi . Now hes next to me kinda playing around . So i was hopping to catch him at the light coming up but no good on that and a top speed race is not real great with our cars , so now he gets on it and is ahead of me a little so i get on it and cruise right by , again he trys it and this time i really fly by . After that he was hanging back and wouldnt come near me . Its not really a kill but i figure scaring vettes is a good thing plus i couldnt have this guy telling his vette friends how he walked all over a GNX , kinda reminded me of when the first GNX proto had to line up against the Callaway vette back in 87 .;)
The dual tank setup is a cool idea. Is the other tank in your trunk? What is it, 5 gallons?

The best races are the ones where the competition is afraid to try
Originally posted by blackbuick87
The best races are the ones where the competition is afraid to try

Nah. The best ones are when they thing they're going to stomp you, and it ends up the other way.
Dang, that is a cool idea. Crap..... now I have to find a way to do that too. :eek:
yeah that fuel cell is a good idea!
fliping a switch would be cool! the more cool switches the better!
especally when they are mounted in the ash trey~
but i would think alky injection would be a TON cheaper, and alot less expencive to re fill :)
Yeah some guys swear by alcohol i dont know to me it seems that theres more tuning involved and what if that thing dies under alot of boost and you dont know it , if my gas shuts down the motor shuts down. yes race gas is not cheap ill admit but you gotta love that smell! more power to the alky guys i just prefer to drink mine .;)
Originally posted by blackbanditz
can u run alcohol based fuels in a Turbo Regal???

To clarify, alcohol injection sprays alcohol into the up-pipe from the intercooler to the plenum. It cools the intake charged air and enters the cylinders where, mixed with the fuel (gas) it burns (alcohol) and steams (cause it's usually alcohol/water mix). This essentially has the same effect as higher octane fuel. The alcohol isn't replacing the gas though. It's cooling the charged air and the combustion chamber and thus preventing pre-ignition, otherwise known as knock or ping, under higher levels of boost. Don't run out of alcohol...
Alcohol injected