Calling all judges! GS Nationals

Mr Chrome II

New Member
Apr 26, 2005
GS Nationals Car Show Judging Help

The 25th annual GS Nationals car show is right around the corner and we are looking for all club members to participate and help judge once again for this years show! If you plan on being at this year’s event then why not help with the judging portion of the greatest Buick car show on earth! We are expecting a large turnout for this show since it will be the 25th anniversary so the more people that are willing to help the better! Where else can you see Buicks from across the county this up close and personal?

So you say that you have never judged before..well don’t worry you don’t have to be an expert but just rather have a keen eye, a love for cars and the willingness to help out! If you have judged this show before then you know that it is not difficult and we can once again use your experience this year. If you have a car in the show that is no problem also you are more then welcome to judge the show with the exception of your own class. This years judging is based on a points system and everything will be written out for you on the judging form and is relatively simple to fill out. Once again all judges will be receiving a commemorative 25th anniversary pin for their time and help with the show but what can be better then talking Buick with the other members on your three person team? What better way to learn more about the best cars on earth then to judge them!

We will be having a pre judges meeting at the GSCA tent on Thursday May 19th at 12 Noon to further answer any more questions regarding the show as well as a quick explanation on how to judge and what to look for if you are new at this!

This is our club responsibility to help make the judging at this event go smooth so if you can spare some time for judging please help out and show what makes the GSCA the greatest car club in the world!

If you have any further questions about this event you can email me at and I will get back to you with your answers as soon as possible. Hope to see you there!

Chris Gatch
Possible judge?

I might be able to give it a try. It would be new to me, but I can follow directions. A least, usually. ;) How much time is devoted to the judging?

I see from the schedule of events that cars must be in by 9:30 am for the show and a 2 pm judging deadline.

This is my first trip to Bowling Green, and it sounds like the 25th Anniversary should be a great event. See you there.
Hopefully it shouldn’t be more then an hour or so of your time depending on the number of judges that volunteer!

It’s a fun time and what better way to see all of the cars!

Thanks again and looking forward to meet you at the Nat’s!