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Car dies a lot


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Crack Baby
Aug 12, 2003
Hello all,

Put my stock chip back in for emissions test. Car dies a lot... when I start it, put it in reverse. Dies. Even dies WHILE DRIVING!!!

I remember this happened 2 or so times before with the stock chip. Don't think it ever happened with my modified (not sure whose) chip.

Ever have this issue?

What could it be?? Kind of a downer when it dies while driving and the wheel is hard as hell to turn.

Any ideas? Or, is it a non issue since (I think) it's really only with the stock chip?

Heck if I know....But, I think we should make a certificate for you....One for the most bad luck with a TTA in one year ;)

Are there other nominations?

Mine does that too. For when it dies when you put it in reverse just let it warm up a little. Then when you put it in reverse and it starts to bog down give it a little gas and then you'll be fine form then on. Well atleast this is what I've had to do. I've had my car stall on me at like a stop sign before I don't really understand why so if anyone has a true explaination for these things it would really help.
Idle Air Control Valve?? Dunno but maybe. Have to get the scanmaster out and check the values. Sounds like it to me though. Mine did that after the rebuild but after a spring cleaning and tune and new o2 sensor, perfect!!
NO BAD LUCK AWARDS!!! Sheesh! You're gonna jinx me! And the car might hear you. Talk softer...

Just getting used to it. She's tempramental. Aren't they all?

Really seemed to happen only with the stock chip. After I cleaned all of the oil out of the plenum and vacuum block, it happened. Changed the chip... didn't seem to happen.

Just wondered why it might do this. I thought I heard once that a TCC valve might be stuck. Dunno. I can't imagine that I'm the only one whose had this happen. If others only had this with the stock programming (chip) I won't worry that it's something I should address.

Just amazed that if this were 89 and a stock car, people would have had some issues at low miles. Oil in plenum/intercooler... crappy idle, etc. I'd be pissed if I paid 30k+ for a new car back then!

Happy as a clam now though, just trying to get used to the issues. This one's got me.

'preciate y'all helping with what might be stupid Q's sometimes!
My car did that once just after I cleaned the intake of the throttle body....Reset the IAC and TPS and all was well. :)

I learned a long time ago that the only stupid question was the one left unasked :)

No jinx intended ;)
Spring cleaning, tune-up(plugs/wires), chip(aftermarket), AC Delco O2 sensor will take care of most of all the nasty'ness.

If you ever get to drive one of these cars when theyre dialed in.. you'll never drive another car.

Its like a pitbull on steroids feel.

As far as car dying, probably has to do with an IAC problem, vacuum leak, or MAF problem.
Just odd, hoping that it was common. Put a different chip in (again) and it so far is fine.

Don't get me wrong, LOVE the car. Loved the GTA's... now that I have this one I can't imagine driving anything else. She just gets moody. Not unlike most of the women I date!

But that's another show as Oprah would say eh?

I know I have to do springs and a few other things. Spring cleaning was done as well as plugs and such. Even though I put on less than 300 miles since I owned it!!

At least it's clean though!

Ready finally to start mods. Reading everything this board has so I can learn and learn.

Thanks again all.
Low mile TTA's suffer from a lot of maladies from sitting. I bet your fuel system has issues. As would a car that sits for extended time.

When's the last time you changed the lube in the rear end? Or brakes.. Or Tranny.. be suprised what you find when you open the cover from the moisture that sets in.

Worst thing you can do is start the car for a few minutes and shut it down.. the gas will go stale and damage your fuel pump, injectors, regulator, etc..

Seen a few with this issue.

I agree that it's probably an IAC/ base idle/ TPS issue. Try going through the adjustment procedure. If you have no tech info, I think it can be found on the website. Most things can...
Just another thing to look at.
Some of the TTA's have the Cam sensor 180 degrees out and with my car it caused the stalling you mention when cold and putting it in reverse.
I would check the other items also...tps/iac/02 sensor....but I would check the cam sensor.
Found this thread via search...

So as winter approached, I noticed that my GN would have an infrequent tendency to stall, when driving, after being fully warmed up, when slowing to a stop. IAC seemed fine (<50). Everything else seemed perfect with the car as far as the way it ran (beside the knock sensor & mph data not getting to ECM).

Without warning tonight, I started the car (for the 1st time today),
and everything seemed fine (started and ran perfectly) as I warmed it up (to 81 deg.) until I put it in reverse. As soon as I did, it stalled, and basically kept stalling everytime I restarted it. But it was then stalling without putting it in gear. Basically, it was start as normal, climb to 1500 rpms, and then die immediately. Thinking maybe it was flooded (I know, very rare in an EFI car), I manually gassed it to keep it going, which was still challenging to keep it running. It stalled...20 times at least. Finally, I kept the rpms up, and got rolling down the street. It seemed okay for a minute or two, but then started sputtering and stalling even when cruising. Thinking that it be best that I abort my errand, I headed back for home, where it would stall repeatedly, even when excelerating.

Scanmaster readings all look fine. No change in chip. And wouldn't I see a MAL code on the Scanmaster if there were a prob with the MAF or O2 sensor? Whatever it is, it's bad, and the car is not drivable. The puzzling thing is that it just started happening today as I first started it up. It's as if something happened to it as it sat in the garage last night.
Originally posted by milesengineer2
Tap test the MAF. They go bad sometimes with no warning. Dunno why, just do.

Even the LT-1 MAFs? This one is only a couple years old.