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Cars at Carlisle Spring Nationals April 20-24th


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Rich B

Active Member
Oct 9, 2015
Anybody going would love to go up with someone on Friday (22nd), Saturday (23rd),or Sunday (24th) weather permitting. Let me know

Easily accessible from Turnpike I-81 or I-83, the Carlisle Fairgrounds offers a 150-acre complex. Features include both indoor and outdoor facilities, a food court as well 24-hour security and medics. - See more at:

APR 20-24, 2016
Gate Times:Wed.-Sat. 7am-6pm • Sun. 7am-3pm
Admission:Daily Wed.- Sat. $10 / Sun $7 / Event Pass $30
Location:Carlisle, PA - See more at:
I'll be there, have family in that area. Hope to have my wagon in paint for the show.
I usually go Thursday or Friday. I mostly look at the cars for sale.
im going on Friday less people and if anybody wants to ride up or meet there let me know.
To be clear this is the swap meet and cars for sale, not an actual show. The GM show isn't until June. There is also no on grounds parking for this event so if your not up there early in the am Friday or Saturday, you may wind up parking in someone's back yard a mile down the road.
The GM nationals are weak. I've seen a gn w Vermont plates there before.. An awesome show to make is the Adirondack national show in lake George NY. Whole town transforms. Really worth the trip