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Chevy rod throws on a Moldex


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Narrow A$$ Racing
May 30, 2001
Any downside to running 2.100 Chevy rod throws on a Moldex crank? If I'm not mistaken a Buick throw is 2.125 or is it 2.200??? Will the Chevy rod sacrifice any durability in an high 8 sec car?
Buick rod journals are 2.25 nominal. Lots of steel cranks out there in ASA etc, were run with Chebbie journal size - Neal steward's got one, I think. (Not in his current motor, tho.) Sure seems like you could save a few bucks on rods, huh?
Well I already have the rods and crank and the short block built. This is an engine that I am selling. The fella that is buying it was gonna ask around and make sure there wouldn't be any probs.
There was a thread a while ago and I put my 2 cents in, with no opposition. I wasn't planning on going into the 8's with that crank/rods though. I have a billet crank and I remembered that it was really only about 7% less material than the normal 2.250" remember that the rods are split but you are only taking 1/2 of the .125 off of the one side of each rod, so..... total is .125" of material off the split rod ends, but then there is the flanges. My machine shop guy said that wasn't really even a issue. Consensus is that a billet crank is "supposed" to be 15% stronger than forged, so I believe this combo would be at least as good as a forged steel Buick crank. He did say that you shouldn't rev this combo as high as the 2.250" rod journal and that was it.

This is backyard engineering 101 that I applied to my "theory" :)