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chip and scan tool


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New Member
Apr 20, 2010
hey there guys i have a question on what chip and scan tool is recommended for a hot air. what are the steps needed, will i be able to tune,where can i find these tools. any replies appreciated. im just a rookie wanting to learn. i have plugged tb lines, 86/87 coil,hotwire pump, 30lbs injectors adj fuel
If your running the stock 84/85 computer then you're pretty limited on choices. As far as chips go, TurboTweak is the best in my opinion and he can burn you a chip for a 84/85 ECM.

Datalogging and Scantools are going to be hard to come by for an 84/85 ECM. If you're running an 86/87 ECM I'd highly recommend a Powerlogger with an optional addition of a scanmaster. I honestly do not know if either of them will work with an 84/85 ECM.
yea change the ecm over to the newer model and add the MAT sensor too, that way the scan tool can read more.
okay i just came up with the 8687 ecm and just bought a scanmaster with a tt chip. now what steps do i need to take in swapin the ecm or is it just plug and play? where do i find the mat sensor
okay i just came up with the 8687 ecm and just bought a scanmaster with a tt chip. now what steps do i need to take in swapin the ecm or is it just plug and play? where do i find the mat sensor

its a straight swap, I went to the salvage yard and got the MAT sensor off a some car that had one to use the thread insert and wiring harness ran the wiring for it. drilled hole in elbow from air cleaner to maf sensor plastic pipe and glued the tread insert in it. bought a new sensor from Napa. is the chip for the 84 with 87 ecm?
p.s. im using a stock 87 chip.