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Christmas Trees - Fake or real?


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Real or fake Christmas tree??

  • Keep it real baby.

    Votes: 33 55.0%
  • Fake it!

    Votes: 27 45.0%

  • Total voters

TR Custom Parts

Mark Hueffman - Owner
May 25, 2001
What's the preference out there? While a real one sounds nice, can't see cutting a tree down and putting in your house for two weeks and then throwing it out. Just doesn't make sense to me. (PS, not a tree hugging environmentalist here!) Besides I hate that damn pine sap you get on you and the needles dropping all over the place. Not to mention the fire hazard.
I guess, for me, the best argument for real trees is....I can't get into it if the house doesn't have that piney Christmas smell for a week or two. Real, all the way, baby.:cool:
Good points, Boosted, but you can't beat the real pine smell when when coming in the door. We had an artificial tree my entire childhood and I prefer real ones now. I got tired of the same damn tree every year.
Never had a false tree, but there's just always been something traditional and special about having a real tree. My parents always got me a real tree for Christmas. Now that I have my own place, I make it a tradition to cut down a real tree. The way I see it.. when (and if) I ever have children, I want to be able to give them the same tradition that my parents gave me. Kind of a "Cats in the Cradle".
On the note of boyhood traditions........Isn't going and picking out a tree one of the most memorable parts of Christmas time? I always loved that as a kid and it seems that any kid who has to go to WalMart and pick out a box is robbed of something important.
Switched to fake last year. Got tired of trying to juggle fire hazzards by getting a really nice one too early and getting the 'ugly duckling' tree when left too late. I am about as far from a tree hugger as humanly possible, but as mentioned above, it sure is a real waste of a tree. The days of having families go out to a 'tree store' to pick one out are gone..everybody fights over 'em at the grocery store...the days of burning them after Christmas over a hot chocolate while the local FD is present are also gone. I find that 'new Canadians' just as soon dump them on the nearest corner and hope they self-evaporate:( If you really miss the authentic smell of a pine or fir tree, head into any reputable hunting store and pick up Fresh Pine scent and hang it on the tree somewhere. No hassles getting it into the house, no swearing at the nimrod who cut it off at a 45° angle and lastly, no spending 3 1/2 hours with the Muther of all Vacuum's trying get the 457,000 needles that have become like Tics in your car's carpet, upholstery and headliner:D
Just my humble, yet advertised opinion.
....swearing at the nimrod who cut it off at a 45° angle.....

LMFAO!!....oh, if that ain't the truth.....:D :rolleyes: :D
Ever see that video of a real Christmas tree catching fire inside a house? That was enough to convince me years ago not to have a real one. As far as tradition goes, in my family, as a kid, I was the one who always had the job of dragging the previously celebrated tree out into the woods in back of our house dumping it. Then I had to clean up the damn needles! Bah humbug!:)

Just picked up our new 7 ft, pre-lit, fold up tree, complete with stand and it looks perfect. Besides, my son likes the talking Rudolph display they had at the Christmas store we went to. We sniffed the real trees on the way out.:D
I went fake 2 years ago after abandoning the annual tradition of going out to the middle of nowhere, selecting the tree, cutting it down, strapping it to the Exploder, bringing it home, and propping it up in the house.

The pine needles are a pain, watering it is a pain. The straw that broke the camel's back was 2 years ago when I did a Clark Griswald. Got a 15' tall tree and put it in my living room. After cutting the twine off it, I had to hack it up into little pieces to get it out of the house. Now I have a nice, 10' tall "spruce" that looks great every year. It takes hours to put up, but it's worth the effort.


take the the wholefamdamly out with hot cocco and such and cut that sucker down!

for the last prolly 15 so or years we have done this and like clockwork we get it in the house and my mom swears up and down its not the same tree we cut not more then 3 hours ago! its a great tradition!

this year my mom after looking for the better part of the day said she wanted the top 15ft of a 30ft tree, my dad and i said NO way in hell. for one its illegal to cut and *top a tree* and TWO that thing was HUGE.

well she won and we cut it down and now she is kinda disapointed cause it dont look the same....

i guess that is part of the tradition :)
The fake one didn't make the cut when we moved a few months ago. Easier to kick it to the curb. I hate the way they charge for these real ones though. That's the real argument in favor of artificial: $$$$$$$$$$$$$
Best thing about a real tree is that vacuuming smells like Christmas 3 months later:) I have progressively got smaller trees though. I just can't lift the monsters my wife picks out anymore.
Give me a fake fact, we got FIVE of 'em!

Last year, after 11 years of marriage we bought our first-ever "real" tree.

Never again, not EVER.

I still need to fix the door jam between the hall & kitchen.

I think there's STILL needles in the carpet from the POS

Tree sap in the carpet.

Dry as a bone a week before xmas, nice & brown for xmas morning.

Kids tipped it over, spilled about 8 gallons of sugary water all over.

which means I'll never use the new $30 tree stand again.

Missed the xmas tree pickup, had an old dead pine tree in the back of the pickup till March.

Pine smell? Overrated. Got a 50' pine tree in the front yard. If I want pine smell, I can just bring in a couple of sticky, sappy, messy branches. Much easier to clean up after than a whole dead tree.

Boobs should be real. But give me a fake xmas tree any day!
Originally posted by Buick From Hell

Boobs should be real. But give me a fake xmas tree any day!

while i disagree with 95% of your post your last statment made a lot of sense.

enjoy your boobs.... err tree. sorry my mind was someplace else.

Keep it real, we have always had a real christmas tree, I guess that it is just tradition. This was my first year out of my moms house and just last weekend my boyfriend and I went out and picked out our christmas tree, we both decided that for us christmas just wasn't the same without a real christmas tree!! Just my opinion though!!
I just bought my REAL tree :p ..... hey wife wanted it...what r ya gonna say to her ???!!!! "yes dear it looks beautiful !!:cool:
While BFH makes good points. It's real all the way for me. We go out to a city called Tooele and buy from a tree vendor there the day after thanksgiving. As long as I keep up the watering they stay alive until I lug it out the front door to be drug to the park for recycling.

FAKE here.

2 years ago I decided to take the tree out and burn it on the first weekend of january, after seeing the tree go up in a matter of seconds (about 3 for all the needles to be burning) I was convinced that unless I can cut it down myself I am not buying a real tree ever again and since cutting down a tree in AZ carries a stiff penalty (jail time as it will most likely be located in a national forest) it really isn't worth it.
Personally, we've always had a fake tree, but a freind of mine and his family have always purchased a live tree / root ball & planted it after Christmas every year. He digs the hole in the fall in preparation of planting it. I thought that was a really neat way to do it AND have something to remember the holiday later:D.