Rick, you can clean the outsides w/ carb cleaner.. It will take the grease, crud and the paint off.
You can change the o'rings on the top. The lower o'rings require a new backup washer and pintle cap.
There's also a filter basket in the inlet that should be changed.
The o'rings are available.. the rest of the stuff is done when the injectors are totally cleaned and flow checked.
I do injectors here at my shop. I have used, stock injectors already cleaned, flow tested, wear items replaced and painted for $90.00 a set plus $5 Priority mail, NO exchange is needed. I can ship next day after receipt of MO.
If the inj's have been laying out and have had gas in them, they are most likely stuck shut or in a condition that will not allow them to operate correctly.
ANY inj that has rust inside it is JUNK!! I look for that first and throw any away that are so affected.
You can go some mid 12's w/ these stock injectors and they have a great life expectancy.. I've cleaned ALOT of them at well over 150,000 mi and they operate as new when done.
Yes, you can use vaselene on the o'rings.