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Cleaning the crankshaft ?


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Money pit
Mar 28, 2007
Ok ,I am getting ready to start my rebuild ,I got the crank back from the shop and it was wrapped up but when ,I was looking at it there was what looked like cleaning agent the the machine shop used had run out the oil holes onto the journals and left some roughness on it when it dried ,so what should ,I do to cleam this up? And what would you use to clean it as far as washing it off and cleaning out all the oil holes? I want to have a good motor so any help would be great from you guys the know engines.Thanks :confused:
get some rifle brushes, or some pipe cleaners, & some b12 chemtool or brake cleaner( unless you have access to a good solvent tank) clean ALL the oil passages with the brushes or pipe cleaner until they're absolutely clean & hose the the crank down with the stuff & wiping clean the surfaces & you should be good to go.
I used lacquer thinner when I cleaned mine. Make sure you run an engine cleaning brush through all of the oil passages. It can never be too clean. Rinse the crank well and spray it with WD-40 to prevent any corrosion right after it's clean. Good luck with your build. :smile:
thanks guys

good to see there are some people that can help with this want to get this right have to much money in this motor so thanks again
+1 on the laquer thinner.

Go to Home Depot or Lowes and pick up yourself a gallon or two of laquer thinner. While you're there, go into the cleaners isle and get yourself an empty spray bottle. Fill the spray bottle with the laquer thinner and clean away. The spray bottle is not harmed by the laquer thinner. I like the Zep spray bottle from Home Depot over the Lowes bootleg one.

No need to spray the crank with WD-40 if you're going to drop in the crank right away.

BTW: I used approximately 4 gallons of laquer thinner when I was assembling my motor. I also cleaned the block with laquer thinner. Never could be too clean.:cool:

Billy T.
Suggest all parts be blown dry w/ air, and NOT wiped w/ rags. Lint can be picked up, and later found in the oil pump pick up screen. BTDT, and have a cancelled check to prove it!!