Well Guys… I guess I am still in denial… I went to a local cruiz-in and the car ran flawless.. It was only 5 miles away to I decided to Beat the Piss out of the car.. 25-27lbs of boost
ZERO knock O2’s in the 800-820 range.. and the car never skipped a beat or neither did the temp gauge move off of 168… (beautiful night down here in FL 65deg) I must of did this a ½ a dozen times…. Yes that annoying noise was there.. not till the upper RPM range and over 20lbs of boost.. Even came a cross and younger kid in a new GTO with some work done.. He picked on me and I ruined his night.. (even skating with my 235 60’s on the back!)
If it is blown, it was blown at the track and I didn’t hear the noise because of my helmet…
Denial Dave

If it is blown, it was blown at the track and I didn’t hear the noise because of my helmet…
Denial Dave