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Dads in Jail and Cops stole $30,000 need advise


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Is the money missing as in stolen or confiscated for evidence? You know if they have it they will say it was drug money which means it's forfeited.
Did they steal it or seize it? Two different issues. They may have seized it due to the nature of his arrest. Large amount of money and he was caught with narcotics. If it can be proven that the money was made/iherited legally they will have to return it. You may have to get a court order to have the money returned to you. If they stole it, it's going to get messy.
Find where they stashed the loot?
not to be a prick, but why would you come on a board and ask for advice from us on this type of serious matter....

the only advice is CALL a LAWYER!

Agian, I symathize with your situation but damn dude, we cant help you. JUST CALL A LAWYER
Reaper said:
not to be a prick, but why would you come on a board and ask for advice from us on this type of serious matter....

the only advice is CALL a LAWYER!

Agian, I symathize with your situation but damn dude, we cant help you. JUST CALL A LAWYER

I think your advice is sound, but in fairness I think he's just a kid looking for a little guidance.
chrisgarrett said:
I think your advice is sound, but in fairness I think he's just a kid looking for a little guidance.

that maybe right, but I really cant see anyone on here helping.. its like coming on here and saying I am peeing blood, I have had a headache all day, My eyes are bleeding. should I go to the hospital? DUH!

Bandaid, If you are looking for some guidence then Iwould really suggest Not posting on here and talking to a lawyer. this can be very sticky and you dont want mention of it here. so please consult a lawyer or let your dads counsoul (sp) handle it.
umm if the retard wants some help why doesn't he post the story and stop putting period........
ledzeppac said:
umm if the retard wants some help why doesn't he post the story and stop putting period........

He may have originally posted something a little more substantial than a period...but he probably later deleted the posts for legal reasons.
gordyzx9r said:
He may have originally posted something a little more substantial than a period...but he probably later deleted the posts for legal reasons.
thank you
ledzeppac said:
Well I didnt realize they were all edited. Anyway Cops dont steal money. :rolleyes:
Well since you put a :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: ,,then I take it back,you are not an idiot :rolleyes:
Cops do steal money, they steal what ever they want, there just is no ticket to the offence, thats all.