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Decided to tackle the "I want a touch screen in my 1.5 DIN slot" dilemma...


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Has anyone ever installed or contemplated installing a marine stereo? They look like they might fit in our cars.

Is it 1.5 DIN?

Alot of knobs and buttons though.

I thought today about re-investigating the Dodge 1.5 DIn radios fitting in the TR.
I looked into it, and got sidetracked.
Tons of nice Factory Dodge 1.5 head units, with high end features - for sale cheap on the web - but do they fit or bolt in?

I have a 98 Dodge Ram with the 1.5 DIN so I think one of these spring days I am going to find out.
Not sure if it will fit but looks close though. I personally like a knob for a volume control but it would be nice if it only had that one. Here the dimensions if anyone would like to measure the cutout. I am not by my car at the moment.


Let us know more about the dodge stereo. I have never seen one and do not know anything about dodges.
The third most popular car stereo size is what is called “1.5 DIN” or “DIN and a Half” which measures approximately 3 3/16″ in height and 7 1/8″ in width. Car stereo depth size for 1.5 DIN radios varies between vehicle manufacturers and models but most vehicles with a 1.5 DIN radio tend to have a very shallow depth that only measures around 7″. This type of car radio is usually found in American vehicles like Chevrolet, Cadillac, Dodge, GMC, Plymouth, Pontiac, etc.
found here-
Have my hoses all in, going to finish that tomorrow (half done now). Then I have to figure out the mess of wires that are all mangled. THEN I can go back to what I though would take an hour, installing the radio, lol.
I guarantee the dodge can be made to fit. You will likely have to hacksaw the OE dodge brackets off the face and fab up your own. I can provide pics/measurements off almost any dodge radio group, from 84-present. Got a PILE of them. The "RAZ" radio is probably going to be the most popular with the g body crowd, I have seen a car in car craft magazine with a dodge radio mounted in there.
What feature(s) is everyone after? I ended up installing an old 1.5 DIN pioneer unit ( the last one they made - can't remember model ) but then I added this... Now I can run my music app or navigation from my smartphone thru the bluetooth. Not much more to need unless you want visual navigation assistance ( which can be done with a dock for your phone ). Just wondering what Im missing?
regal81455 said:
What feature(s) is everyone after? I ended up installing an old 1.5 DIN pioneer unit ( the last one they made - can't remember model ) but then I added this... Now I can run my music app or navigation from my smartphone thru the bluetooth. Not much more to need unless you want visual navigation assistance ( which can be done with a dock for your phone ). Just wondering what Im missing?

There are probably as many reasons as there are stars in the sky. One main reason is those cool touch screen double dins with all the bells and whistles who wouldn't want one. Another thing is some people want the factory radio or at least the look due to security, originality or so. With all car audio people should build what suits them. I like what this guy did and will do something similar.
One main reason is those cool touch screen double dins with all the bells and whistles who wouldn't want one.

I understand the desire for the bells and whistles that come from a touchscreen BUT who's gonna be touching anything that requires you to look down and stretch out to make it work. Ive got a AVIC-D3 in my Coly and love it, in these cars it would be a disaster / accident waiting to happen though. The location / position of the radio would make it very difficult to operate safely. The AVIC D3 is a very nice unit but aside from having visual navigation and dvd video, I can do everything else with the setup Im running and as stated I can really do the visual navi and video with the smartphone and a dock too so its not much different. To each their own I guess but protecting my asset is more important then the cool factor of a touchscreen, that likely won't look good after hacking up the dash anyways.

I can also appreciate the desire to maintain a stock appearance but to me ( again IMO ) if you swap out the original for another OEM piece that "looks" the part then you truthfully are not maintaining the stock appearance cuz anyone who knows these cars will know right away its not an original piece....