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Democratic Debate


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Who will win the election?

  • President Bush.

    Votes: 55 82.1%
  • The best the Democrats have to offer.

    Votes: 12 17.9%

  • Total voters


Fire the Federal Gov't
Nov 5, 2002
I'm currently watching the Democratic debate and must say this; Apparently these potential candidates want to be all things to all people. For example, I heard that they want to build water purification plants in 3rd world foreign countries, give free (and NOTHINGS FREE) health care to everyone in this country, endorse gay marriage, dump even more $ into funding public schools, completely withdraw all US troops from Iraq, increase taxes and on and on.

Now, last I knew public schools were solely a state responsibility, (even though Republicans have supported this as well), universal health care was never supposed to a government (taxpayer) responsibility, increasing taxes would devastate a recovering economy, troop withdraw would lead to totaly anarchy in Iraq and I'm not sure where our mandate is to build infrastructure for foreign lands.

The most level headed amonst the group is without a doubt Senator Leiberman. I'm not a Democrat or Republican but have a conservative perspective on life and from what I see any one of these guys will get TROUNCED by President Bush.

Just my $.02.
Originally posted by TT/A1233
I'm not a Democrat or Republican but have a conservative perspective on life and from what I see any one of these guys will get TROUNCED by President Bush.

Just my $.02.

And that exactly what they want to happen. Wouldn't want Hilery to have to run against a Dem in 08.

I'm never gonna finish this car!:(
Do you notice how they all pick on BUSH while he is not there to defend himself?

Not one of these bozos has the guts to say bush has done some good stuff.. They take themselves down with all the negative campaining.

If you were to put one of these DUMMYCRATS in office right now they will have a tough time accomplishing any goal they promise.
I'm a registered independant too. I feel their best Candidate (overall, in clear headed reasonablness and experience) was Mr. Gephart. I think he or Lieberman would have been the most difficult for the Republicans to beat in the election. I also feel he was too close to the Clinton's in the 90's -may be why he's out now- but, the dems screwed up by leaving him in the dust :)

Bush a deserter? How laughable :)
Maybe not...
I distinctly remember when everyone thought President Clinton would be trounced by Senator Bob Dole.
Things can change dramatically in the political arena.
Personally I hope President Bush wins a second term for a few reasons - Mainly because all of the Democratic candidates are proposing so many things that will have to increase taxes.
If I ever get my hands on that Dean a-hole........wait, is it safe to threaten presidential candidates? These clowns give Bush so much crap about launching a military strike. What, exactly, do they think we as a country should have done after watching thousands die in collapsing towers? All sign a petition to send to Al Qaeda telling them to cut it out and play nice?! This subject angers me so offense to anybody here, but I have just about had it with the democrats and their limp-wristed snivelings.(At least the snivelings of those who claim to represent the democratic citizens.):mad:
I know that thers no one party that reflex everyone true feelings. But it truly saddens me to see how many really think the democrats are the only way to vote. Or the republicans for that matter... If any one candidate ever can make everyone happy all the time we should just crown him king forever!

I'm never gonna finish this car!:(
Anyone notice how this country is drifting towards socialism? What ever happened to John F. Kennedy's vision of "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country"? Now it seems just the opposite, with the democratic party leading the way. The republicans are guilty as well, just not on such a grand scale.

Self reliance seems to be a part of the past. Now it's a contest amongst candidates to see who can give the laziest of citizens (and non citizens) the most with public funds for the sole purpose of getting elected.

I don't believe the founding fathers envisioned the federal government providing everything to everyone. What entitles Americans to health care at the expense of those who work (except the elderly and disabled)? This country has gone insane.
You're correct, no question it's gone nutty. I'd just like to know from those who support these changes why these are good ideas.
And that exactly what they want to happen. Wouldn't want Hilery to have to run against a Dem in 08.

Man.... A year or two ago I was afraid they were gonna run her against Bush in this election. Whew... Luckily GW has done a good enough job and she's said enough stupid crap, that they don't want to waste her on this election. This chick will be back to run for the presidancy. Lets see she'll get the women vote, the black vote and the democrat vote. Arrrggghhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!
Originally posted by turbot2496
. This chick will be back to run for the presidancy. Lets see she'll get the women vote, the black vote and the democrat vote. Arrrggghhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!

Be VERY afraid!

I'm never gonna finish this car!:(
Originally posted by Vector
Maybe not...
I distinctly remember when everyone thought President Clinton would be trounced by Senator Bob Dole.
Things can change dramatically in the political arena.
Personally I hope President Bush wins a second term for a few reasons - Mainly because all of the Democratic candidates are proposing so many things that will have to increase taxes.

I still don't know why 49% of idiots voted for that no good bum Clinton over Dole in '96. Dole was an outstanding leader with great experience, and would have made an even greater president than Bush. There was never a scandal about Dole, and unlike Bush, Dole has a REAL conservative wife.
Originally posted by turbot2496
And that exactly what they want to happen. Wouldn't want Hilery to have to run against a Dem in 08.

Man.... A year or two ago I was afraid they were gonna run her against Bush in this election. Whew... Luckily GW has done a good enough job and she's said enough stupid crap, that they don't want to waste her on this election. This chick will be back to run for the presidancy. Lets see she'll get the women vote, the black vote and the democrat vote. Arrrggghhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!

How about a rematch of Clinton and Dole in 2008, only this time Hillary vs. Elizibeth. Dole would trounce her!
Originally posted by TurboTer
I still don't know why 49% of idiots voted for that no good bum Clinton .

and that why I VERY afraid!:eek:

I'm never gonna finish this car!:(
The US is a snowball headed for hell. I know that sounds shocking. Especially to the younger and more positive people. But most older people will tell of a more united and genteel America where, for instance, you could go thru any part of any neighborhood safely. Or , where a fellow US serviceman woudnt throw a grenade in your tent all while wearing your same US uniform.
I cant state my reasons as to why I see such a bleak future as unspoken and understood limits or censor exist on this board and virtually everywhere else. Even stating pure facts wouldnt be allowed.
It is obvious someting has changed about us as a citizenry. Thru leftist judges, Hollywood, Liberal media, our collective mind has been altered. At least for those who vote Democrat. Now we are headed for socialism, overpopulation, malaise. When the chaos becomes too much, it will be bigger government to the rescue.
I guess I can state it like this: Given birthrate info tracking, Folks that vote Republican will soon be outnumbered by folks who dont. The Dems will eventually win.
Bush's spending and immigration stance is foreshadowing of a government that is going to give until there is nothing left to give.
That is because now you have to be everything to everybody to be a "nice" politically correct government.
Check with me in 20 years. If I am wrong, that would be nice, it will be because of that wonderful document, the Constitution.
And Yhea, Falling Down is my favorite movie. Ha,HA
OK, for the longest time Howard Dean was the STRONG front runner for the Democratic candidate nomination.
Look at what has happened, John Kerry is now way out in front and Dean is losing ground quickly.
This kind of thing really scares me. Just amonth ago President Bush was a sure fire winner, he is still a winner if the election were to be held now, but it would be a fight.
For all of you President Bush supporters, don't take his winning a second term for granted - get out and VOTE when the time comes.
And Yhea, Falling Down is my favorite movie. Ha,HA

Good movie, but depressing just like real life. That's why I live in my own small world. It's much better here.
There is no question [in my opinion] this country is on a path to internal self destruction.

The Democratic party isn't the same as it used to be. It seems to be a contest to see who can provide for those who can't, or won't provide for themselves at the expense of those who can. It's becoming more and more socialist/communist than the already were.

The Republicans appear to be slowing sliding in the same direction. Granting asylum to illegal aliens, providing prescription coverage to those who can't (or won't) arrange their life to get it on their own-compliments of the US Government (the taxpayer-YOU), failure to protect US borders, bigger and not smaller government and so on.

I'm not affiliated with any political party but believe this country was founded upon the philosophy of self reliance. But this doctrine doesn't garner votes from the increasing population which relies on freebies and hand-outs.

A major change is going to be needed in this country's leadership OR the people will need to rise and make changes on their own. As Bill O'Reilly asks "Who's Looking Out For You"? It certainly isn't any part of this huge federal government. If they did they'd lock down the borders and prevent the free flow of illegals as a good start.