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Dennis Kirban - Dinner in Portland Tonight!


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New Member
Jun 23, 2001
I just talked to Dennis via cell, he is passing thru Portland tonight in route to the Washington Seminar. He is going to make a pit stop for Dinner and Buick talk around 5pm tonight. I gave him directions to the Chili's by Lake Oswego. This is 10 seconds off of 1-5 exit 292 (the 217 / I-5 junction). I just called Dave Looney he and I are going to get there between 4:30 and 5pm if anyone is can make it please join us! If you have any questions give me a call at 503.330.0391
can someone ask him if he's still coming to vegas? thanks--len
A half dozen of us made it to dinner, was a good time for sure!
Very nice guy, super knowledgeable with great stories.

Len- Dennis said he was already in Vegas, did not have much time to do anything as his family flew out to meet him.

Pat- Sorry about that, not sure I would have known how to contact you. Any word on that Champoeg show yet?
Ok........ I will let it slide................ this time. :D Just e-mail me if something like this happens again. :)
Kirban is also going to put on a seminar in an Everett hotel, us guys from g.n.r.a. are coming down on saturday, Planning on going through aldergrove crossing. e-mail for info
Thanks again Gary for putting this together. I was there for the impromptu meeting. Dennis is a heck of a nice guy. By the end of the night he was like EF Hutton...when he was talking, everybody would shut up and listen. You won't believe the ways in which this guy is connected. He's got some great pictures, and other things to share. I was blown away at how many parts on different car's he has had something to do with. He's also put on some cool events. By the end of the night he was letting some of that east coast witt come through and giving a few of us a hard time.

I don't want to spoil the surprise for the folks who are attending the session up north, suffice to say, it will be full of Buick trivia, and some very entertaining discussion.

Ps. Gary, I need to get Matt's e-mail, I can't remember the name of that wax they were talking about.
It was a good time for sure Dave, if we had known about it sooner it would have been nice to get our cars there also.
You have Matt's email add in you TT distgroup, I think it starts off MattB....I dont have it handy right now- let me know if you still need it. The wax they were talking about is Zano (sp)- If you can find out where to get some I'll go in with you!
ps- Are we still on for meeting at woodburn next Saturday for a few test runs prior to TT? If so is the grey car coming?
Gary, I show next Saturday as the Import race, and the Sunday is Fathers day. I might be able to go on Sunday (Fathers day) but it could cause some "heat" as "we're supposed to visit the fathers that day" :). How about next Friday night? (Street Legal race at Woodburn)

Let me know,
Dave & Gary,

Let me know if you head out to Woodburn next Friday. I may actually have my car running by then! LOL
Looks like were both gonna try and cut out of work 1/2 day Fri and head down to woodburn, can you make it?
Can't do a half day...

but if I can leave before my scheduled end time of 6pm, I'll be there.