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Development of the Champion Block?


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May 23, 2002
Just curious about what ever happened in the development of the Champion Block that there was quit a bit of buzz about a year or so back.
I read a few weeks back, somewhere, that they were told it would be a few more weeks. :D

I'll go on record to say it will be a couple more weeks. :eek: :D
Rumors stated that the price is going to be under $3000.:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

From what I heard, the molds to make a cast iron block is 3x the amount to make an aluminum block. But the cast iron material is cheaper than aluminum.

Billy T.

That depends on the type of mold. Sand molds are cheap. Its all the cores it takes to make a block that cost. Permanant molds on the other hand can be very expensive. I would be suprised if they are using a permanent mold, especially with cast iron. Most people don't have a clue about all the time and work that goes into making a good casting. The sampling process alone often takes 2-4 months. If there is any major core, corebox, or gating changes that have to be made, it can take six months to a year! All this just to get iron in a mold. Then there are lots of other problems that may have to be addressed. I have seen jobs get run 3-4 times and not have enough good castings to fill an order, because a new problem popped up each time it was run. And that was after the sampling process.:eek: I would hate to start from scratch on a block project like this one. It could easily and very quickly make a person pull his hair out and drink excessively.:frown: Ask me how I know.:rolleyes: Oh by the way, I work maintenance at a grey and ductile iron foundery. So, I seen all this first hand.:tongue:
Champion Block

The real story is that Tom has been left holding an empty bag. The people
that did the molds cast 3 blocks and were to have them machined. In the
past 2 years of stalling and avoiding the job, the shop that was to machine
them closed . Currently Champion is seeking out new sources to finish the
prototype pieces so that they can be built into an engine for testing. I am
sure that some of you guys understand the frustration of getting something
done in small runs with a limited buget.
There is a new post on this somewhere. Apparently, they are getting close to having one available.
Conrad C. Jack Cotton...he will know!
Tom and I are scheduled to meet up at the machine shop in a couple
of weeks to go over the final steps to get the blocks in some sort of usable
form. It will still be awhile after they finish the rough machining .
Then we will have to go through the final machining steps to build an
engine for testing. You know, see how hard we can push one .