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Resident Window Licker
Jun 14, 2001
After spending most of last night working out the kinks on a homemade cold air induction setup, I just had to take the car out for a ride and scare a few pedestrians with the turbo flutter.

I was tooling down a side street when I saw a brand new Mustang GT convertible going down the main drag. I scooted out to catch him and wound up behind him at a red light. I could have gotten the lane next to him, but its only a block until the next light that is red. And I though he was going to turn onto the freeway so I didn't want to lose him. ;) He takes off hard from the light, likely thinking that I was afraid to pull up beside him at the light. So I knew it was on. :D But truth be known, I didn't think I had much chance against this car. My GN has nothing for mods but a power plate and this CAI, and I was running 97 octane gas on the stock chip.

I couldn't catch the next light with him as there was a sedan that pulled along side him. :( This time at the light, he took it out of gear and took his foot off the brakes to show me he had a 5 speed. Oh well, should be fun anyways... Light goes green and he pulls away hard through the intersection. I give him a second and get on it and run him down pretty fast. Interesting. So I whip out beside him and we both get on it. I pull on him easily. Not like I am blowing him away but we both know who's winning. I look over at him and he won't acknowledge. This goes on a few more times from a roll and its always the same. I don't think this guy was grabbing a low enough gear. Very nice looking car, but apparently the driver needs some work.

When we finally got to the end of the street he turned left onto a service road. I knew he was just turning to go back down the strip the other way so I did the same down the right service road. We meet up at the next intersection to get back onto the main strip and this guy refuses to get back on it with me. Sits for probably five seconds and then continues down the service road rather rapidly. Guess its my road tonight. :cool: I run down the main strip and he flies down the service road. Two more times he refuses to get back on the strip with me. Finally he pulls out well behind me. By now I am back at the turn for the freeway so I take it, hoping he will bite. Not a chance!!!

So I guess its safe to say there is now another formerly-cocky Mustang owner afraid of the Darkside. I don't get it myself. I know its a convertible, but its also a brand new 260 HP 5 speed. And I whooped him decisively in my 15 year old stock GN. Oh well, I guess those K&Ns really are worth 30 HP. ;) Regardless I'll take it. Sorry for the long post. Just waiting for someone to post why I beat this guy so handily. I just cannot rationalize it.

PS. I like Mustangs...well not their cheap interiors. And this car was extra sweet.
The brand new GT's are the fastest Mustang GT's yet, which means almost nothing. Stock GT's suck, only Cobras can come close to a GN off the showroom floor. Good kill, but I think you scared him by chasing him all over town. Maybe he thought you were a stalker:D
Nice kill

They're going to call the cops on you one day for Vehicular Harassment. lol

Put your window down and tell him something at least.
"You paid to much money for that crap" usually works for me. :D
Lol...well I had seen this guy before. In fact just last week I saw him out stunting with a buddy with the top down. I told my wife I was gonna teach him a lesson one night when I caught him with the GN. Its like last year when I stomped a similar Mustang in my Typhoon, launching from a light as he had a 10mph roll and passing him and getting into his lane within maybe 150'. That guy had a licence plate called WIKKED. Anyways, my point is that if you flaunt it out on the street be it through vanity plates, showing off, or whatever, you're asking for it. When the time comes that you finally get beat, and it always does, then expect to have you nose rubbed in it. Besides I was just trying to catch a light with him to see if my pegleg might even things out. :p I wonder if he'll still be driving like an idiot next time I see him? Probably.

BTW, Jorge his window was up and he wasn't looking anywhere but straight ahead. ;)
good kill my friend! i have a buddy that lives near me and his neighbor has a black cobra vert. i'm doing a carpentry job at his house and this cobra guy just sits in his driveway and revs it over and over. man by the end of the day i was getting pretty annoyed. he would take off and come right back like 20 times in an hour and every time he had to take it out of gear and rev it so everyone could hear his phat exhaust note. i hope and pray i meet this guy on the road.
I ran a new GT with paper tags at the local 8th mile track.He was only pulling 9.7s to my spinning on radials 8.30s.Those things are slow.My car bone stock pulled 9.5 with radials.
I need to take my 68 and my new '67 390 Fastback to the track. I have a feeling that my '68 will get - call me crazy - 2 second or less 60 foot times and 1/4 times around 15. The 390 needs some tuning, some **** just slapped a carb on it without tuning it, but it takes off in the higher RPMs.
That would probably be right about the performance I would expect from a stock 390.I've had a few 390 pickups and like the way they run.Is it all original? I just got my best 60' last night.I ran a 1.91 60' and 7.92 @ 90mph in the 8th.I had to kill the tires to get it though,they spun every bit of that 60' but I think leaving at the higher boost helped.I was running against a 2001 vette with the heads,cam,headers...the guy said it had all the bolt ons.He ran a 1.82 60' and a 7.75.If I could have had a better reaction time and 60'(mine 1.8 his.6)I would have been right with him or even passed him.I have got to get the posi put in,its a one legger.
Nice.I'm a sucker for those fastback mustangs,I love em.I have a 68 GT coupe that I built a 351w for and I gave it to my dad when I got the GN.