do you think we landed on the moon?

do you think we went to the moon

  • Yes!

    Votes: 65 79.3%
  • No!

    Votes: 17 20.7%

  • Total voters
Computer power of a Furbie...

I can't remember where I heard this from but it was claimed that the computer onboard the Apollo had the equivelant computing power of a Furbie... (those little toys that were interactive and learned from you talking to it).

That sounds about right... Especially considering the size of computers back then to do basic functions. The same mission could be powered by a laptop these days...

Plus look at our own Buicks.. what's the baud rate of the ECM on those things?? And that was mid 80s...
Re: Computer power of a Furbie...

Originally posted by gn85
I can't remember where I heard this from but it was claimed that the computer onboard the Apollo had the equivelant computing power of a Furbie... (those little toys that were interactive and learned from you talking to it).

That sounds about right... Especially considering the size of computers back then to do basic functions. The same mission could be powered by a laptop these days...

Plus look at our own Buicks.. what's the baud rate of the ECM on those things?? And that was mid 80s...
Baud rate is 300 I believe I think that's why you only get a frame every 1.4 seconds over the ALDL port. The processor is 8 bit I believe with very little memory, something like 8K? Like one of those little Texas Instruments computers way back when, you remember, the one that had a membrane keyboard and used a tape drive to load up. Am I dating myself?? ;)
I think we probable did go to the moon, but I do have some questions. Like, why have we not gone back to the moon since the '70's? Weren't we supposed to set up moon bases, and cities and look for natural resources and all that kinda stuff? What ever happened to those plans. With today's technology we could build a landing strip on the moon and fly the shuttle there without much problem. Makes you wanna say.....hmmmmmmm...:confused:
I got here kind of late, but Im one of the people that thinks that we did not go to the moon. What bigger piece of propaganda could a nation hold over the world than saying we're the only nation that has the ability to go to the moon? During the cold war it was all about appearance of power, and not actual might. So still, why are we the only nation that has attempted to go? Are there no countries today that feel that it would be a good accomplishment? No they simply know its not possible, due to many physical factors. We won't go up there today because we can't, and 1/2 the world has technology to observe that we can't so we won't fool them this time.
I got here kind of late, but Im one of the people that thinks that we did not go to the moon. What bigger piece of propaganda could a nation hold over the world than saying we're the only nation that has the ability to go to the moon? During the cold war it was all about appearance of power, and not actual might. So still, why are we the only nation that has attempted to go? Are there no countries today that feel that it would be a good accomplishment? No they simply know its not possible, due to many physical factors. We won't go up there today because we can't, and 1/2 the world has technology to observe that we can't so we won't fool them this time.

You are just joking Right???
What physical factors? With less gravity, seems like landing there would be easier than coming right back down to Earth. I really think that people downplay the intelligence of the men of that time (and before). They did things with mathematics that most people today can't do with a computer. I think I saw on tv that the SR71 Blackbird was designed soley by hand and slide rule. I think that says something as well. I don't think anyone can seriously doubt the moon landing anymore unless they just cling to the government cover-up excitement theory.
Originally posted by GN One Day...
What physical factors? With less gravity, seems like landing there would be easier than coming right back down to Earth. I really think that people downplay the intelligence of the men of that time (and before). They did things with mathematics that most people today can't do with a computer. I think I saw on tv that the SR71 Blackbird was designed soley by hand and slide rule. I think that says something as well. I don't think anyone can seriously doubt the moon landing anymore unless they just cling to the government cover-up excitement theory.

Yes, the SR-71 was the last military plain designed the old fashioned way (slide rules, pencil and paper, etc). Going for a spin in one is on my list of "things to do before I die". :D ;)

I had a science teacher that would argue till his was blue in the face that we didnt go to the moon. Of course that same guy would eat flies with enough prodding from the class, was building a time machine we never got to see but heard a lot about, had the worst case of dandruff you ever saw, thought the 70s polyester bell bottoms with butterfly collar shirts never went out of style, and played with dead things in formaldahyde(sp?) all day long. :eek: