Hey man, I got your TruckFax Report in....no charge man!
TruckFax Report on: 1979 Chev. 3/4T 4x4
VIN: 1g987hj5412d35474
total number of accidents reported: 15
total number of accidents occuring from rollover: 9
total number of driveways plowed with 10ft blade: 8,876
total number of snuff cans reported in floor: 34
total number of spit holes in floor pan: 1 (drivers side)
1 Gun rack on sliding rear window reported.
This truck has been lifted 6 times: 3" body, 4" susp., 6"susp, 6"susp. (lifted again after rollover #4)
This truck has been painted 4 times: Green, Blue, Camo, presently a combination of previous colors and primer.
Thank you for using TruckFax! Have a nice day YeeeeeHaaaaaw