Does your car have nuts?

What about blue??

What kind of statement does that make about your sex life if you order these in blue??

Also, hanging them under the rear bumper?? Is that a good idea?? Would hate to watch someone drag their nuts down the track after a good launch!

Man, that has to be the DUMBEST thing I've ever seen in my life.
I've seen those made with pantyhose and plastic eggs...they were funny on an occasional big truck...but on an Acura? Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. Might put em on my cruiser though like VendorUpender suggested.
Better put 'em were they don't drag:eek:

But what about those who refer to their car as "she ".......... No rear end accident jokes please:D
Who thinks of this stuff??? Don't they have better things to do??? Do you think those who buy them are just truing to compensate for something else?:)

This is why i can't own a gun. People that come up with stupid stuff like that need eliminated so they can't pass on their inferior genes. I'm all for dirty humor and sexual jokes but that has no place where some little kid can see it. Besides, instead of puttin those on your car just get a big sign that says WHITE TRASH!:rolleyes: There is a line between customization and retardation, this is way on the retarded side.