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domestic flybys


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Active Member
Oct 23, 2002
today coming back from hunting at about 6 i started toying with a new 2002 cobra, he would rev his engine and speed up a little and id stay by his side. when we hit a stretch of straight road with out any cars he floored it, i was not expecting to run. he had caught me off guard by the time i romped on it he was a car ahead of me but i caught him and passed him i even turned n my flashers and steeped on the brakes and the VROOM he pulled a fly by. i caught up to him at the next light and waited for it to turn green this time when we left i got he jump on him and i had him all the way up to 120 when i let off because we were getting in to a populated area and i did not think it was smart to run but that dumb ass did the same thing VROOOOM this time he cut on his flashers. at the next light he rolled down his window and sed "dude i f***ing had your a** next time get a bigger v8 that 305 aint cutting it" man i was PISSED both times i got him by aleast 7 cars and the jack ass claims the wins. KIDS!!! grrrrrrr, he most have owned a import in a past life or something.
Originally posted by equalizer442
at the next light he rolled down his window and sed "dude i f***ing had your a** next time get a bigger v8 that 305 aint cutting it" man i was PISSED both times i got him by aleast 7 cars and the jack ass claims the wins. KIDS!!! grrrrrrr, he most have owned a import in a past life or something.

:eek: I can expect that kind of behavior from ricers. But a Mustang guy doing it really sticks in my craw.
wow that guy was pretty stupid. i woulda got in front of him, thrown on the hazard lights, gone 5 mph and not let him pass. btw, i dont think they made a 2002 cobra. maybe it was a 2001 or even better, a 2003:)
What an idiot.. :o

This is why I like racing at the track, everybody sees what happens, no fly bys, no flashers. Just put up or shut up.
actully i beleve the car had temporary tags it might have been a 2003 but im not to sure of that thow it was kinda dark
I don't know. Those guys seem to know something. If theat guy had a car before that was knocking on 12's, whats to say he couldnt build on that would hit high 11's? He was hitting low 13s on a self admitted poorly tuned 12psi turbo set up. What if he runs the 18 hes talking about with a huge intedrcooler and some Nitrous. He seems to be able to build a motor to handle it. A porr tuned 12psi will be harder on an engine that a well tuned 18psi. I would thinkwith 5psi more boost and a little Laughing gas he could do it. I dunno, he just seemed knowledgeable, unliek others.

I think he could buid it.... if he has the money
I could make a RV run 10s if i had the money, but why bother? civics.. jeez, I just cant beleive there are still a ****load of people that LIKE those cars.. it's no doubt because they can buy them for a few grand, and then put a GS-R motor in for another couple, and then run 13s with some tuning, ... but why spend $4000 on a turbo kit just to knock off a second?

and those turbo kits dont even come with intercoolers...

so ni the end you got a car that you spent $10-13K on and not even pulling 11s.. MONEY PIT.... at least have a nice one??

I guess some people just dont understand..

They do it because they like cars and also because, thank the Lord, there aren't enough TR's to go around. Be glad these dorks can't get ahold of the good cars and ruin them. Can you imagine the huge wings, neon lights, fart cans, etc., on a TR, Grand National, or (shudder) GNX? Be happy they can play with their Hondas.
It's kinda like driving go carts before you get to ARCA. They have to learn in something. When they grow up and get a set of they will get a real car. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by equalizer442
actully i beleve the car had temporary tags it might have been a 2003 but im not to sure of that thow it was kinda dark

I DOUBT it was an '03, unles you're HEAVILLY MODDED, since they run EASY MID 12's Stock!!! An '01 is what it most likely was!

***List YOU'RE mods and we'll tell you what year that Cobra was!!!****
WEll, that is a good point, thankful they arent ruining many other good cars, though ive seen about 6 4th/5th gen (just newer headlights) camaros with ricer wings on back and ****.. Just cuase its a Z28.. .. the cost of the wing coulda prolly bought a 75 shot of nitrous.. :o
Originally posted by equalizer442
i run 11.63@117.09 i think i can take a stocker

You SURE can, Thanks!
You don't have a SIG so we all had no way of knowing that!!
Originally posted by equalizer442
today coming back from hunting at about 6 i started toying with a new 2002 cobra, he would rev his engine and speed up a little and id stay by his side. when we hit a stretch of straight road with out any cars he floored it, i was not expecting to run. he had caught me off guard by the time i romped on it he was a car ahead of me but i caught him and passed him i even turned n my flashers and steeped on the brakes and the VROOM he pulled a fly by. i caught up to him at the next light and waited for it to turn green this time when we left i got he jump on him and i had him all the way up to 120 when i let off because we were getting in to a populated area and i did not think it was smart to run but that dumb ass did the same thing VROOOOM this time he cut on his flashers. at the next light he rolled down his window and sed "dude i f***ing had your a** next time get a bigger v8 that 305 aint cutting it" man i was PISSED both times i got him by aleast 7 cars and the jack ass claims the wins. KIDS!!! grrrrrrr, he most have owned a import in a past life or something.

One word. "Retard".

I guess it's not a win if you actually use your brain and come off the throttle. :rolleyes: Is this a street race or "ckicken"? It seems nowadays it's chicken. Whoever stays in the throttle longer wins. I think the flyby is supposed to constitute a win or something retarded like that.

If the rabbit hits the finish line first and stops, and the turtle passes the finish line an hour later but keeps on going while giving you the finger, does that mean he wins?

What constitues a win to these colon clowns?
no matter what the car is its the owner. fly bys come in all shapes and sizes, ive seen this done in just about every vehicle there is up to and including trucks with diesel engines. duallys pulling fly bys, delivery trucks pulling fly bys, wrong wheel drive grocery getters (import or domestic), everyone does it now. here noone has caught on to the turning on your flasher BS stunt but just about everyone does a fly by here, apparently the race isnt over until they pass you even if you've already slowed down and pulled over to get a burger and fries. so this isnt a surpise that he thinks he won, to him the race isnt over until he went past you even if you let out of it and stopped racing him. there are lots of people who think like this and there isnt much you can do but ignore them. thats why this street racing BS is for the birds, its all subject to speculation, theres no real start or finish line, no time slip that PROVES who really won the race, just your opinion against theirs especially if its just a spur of the moment thing.

i think these people are sad and pathetic, never wanting to admit to defeat or that their car isnt the fastest around. i dont see any shame in admitting to losing, it takes a man to admit to being beat, it takes a immature child to pull a fly by and then claim they beat you. admitting you're beat isnt the end of the world and it doesnt mean your car sucks, it should just give you more incentive to work on it more, use every loss as motivation and every win as reenforcement of what you've done as something worth your time. its just too bad most people dont see it that way.

but hey, just shake your head at them and feel sorry for them, you know they're ignorant and they probably cant help it. or simply stop doing this on the street because it will happen more and more often.