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Dual alky nozzle 1 pre and 1 post intercooler


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The pre-ic one will need to be check valved as its lower than the tank.

Before even doing something like this.. record IAT on a datalogger and see whats up.. that way if you make the change.. you can see if any difference.
Right now my MAT is a IAT. It's in the up pipe post intercooler, pre alky nozzle. I don't think there is any question there will be a change to temp. The sensor is pre alky. Allot of people I see now are running the sensor post alky. Thoughts?

The only other thing I worry about is corrosion inside the cooler otherwise I think it would work well keeping the cooler temp low as well.
You wont have any corrossion issues.

Install another sensor like in the plenum.. then wire a switch so you can toggle between both. You'll be able to see how your IC is working.. and how the meth is working.

My .02 cents.. I have my IAT inside my intake.
Rick, what are your temps before the alky at full boost in high gear? Mine are 142* on a hot day(85*) at 29psi.
A few at the aquamist forum have done this. You should stay small on your pre-IC nozzle. m1 or 2
I cannot get the links from the thread I was thinking of to show up. They are dead from the server move. Go small so you don't get puddling, or start small, and see how much you can use before you get puddling. You don't want a flammable fluid gathering in your IC. Tap it and put in a cap so you can drain/check if you are interested/worried about it.
If I still had my FMIC I'd have added a 3rd nozzle Pre-IC. The tricky part is calculating the nozzle size and after seeing a few tests of this it appears as if there isn't a % that's a one size fits all. I'd personally have started with a nozzle 25% of total flow and assumed it wouldn't have puddled and helped the FMIC drop this lower temp closer to ambient. It's a great idea because it will allow the Intercooler core to work more efficiently, which is why adding Pre-Turbo would be the icing on the compressor cake. :biggrin:

If I was worried about core erosion I'd have purchased a 2nd system and ran Water Injection to ease the mind and help lower temps more since it's latent heat is better at this smaller nozzle size.
If I still had my FMIC I'd have added a 3rd nozzle Pre-IC. The tricky part is calculating the nozzle size and after seeing a few tests of this it appears as if there isn't a % that's a one size fits all. I'd personally have started with a nozzle 25% of total flow and assumed it wouldn't have puddled and helped the FMIC drop this lower temp closer to ambient. It's a great idea because it will allow the Intercooler core to work more efficiently, which is why adding Pre-Turbo would be the icing on the compressor cake. :biggrin:

If I was worried about core erosion I'd have purchased a 2nd system and ran Water Injection to ease the mind and help lower temps more since it's latent heat is better at this smaller nozzle size.

Thats another thought. May as well just go pre turbo like you. Any cons so far?

I thought about a water system too. :cool:
Maybe Julio has a 3 port system, or you can be his Guinea. ;)
If so I'd consider a M2 Pre-Turbo, M4 Pre-IC and the normal M15 Post-IC.

Con to Pre-Turbo is tricky, using todays systems it's not a big deal anymore. If you run 100% water than M1 is all you need to get the 1psi bump in compressor map. But make sure you have a good check valve or solenoid so the water doesn't dribble in after turn off. This is why I like Meth better, dribble all it wants after turn off, it's just going to evaporate instantly.

Also make sure you keep it higher than the tank and pump or it might Siphon in, that would be tough on your comp wheel regardless of Meth or Water.

As we keep adding baby Methheads off the pump we're probably going to need more Volts to it, wonder if Julio ever thought of a Volt mod or pressure options for Triple nozzle?