E-85 and water condesation


Dec 11, 2005
Does e-85 make more water condesation than gas ?? I have a water drip mixed with black carbon from my test pipe gasket flange and it is very hot hot here in Florida ...
The research I've read says no due to the closed fuel systems modern cars employ.

But E85 is water soluble unlike gas so you either have to keep your tank full of E85 to reduce the condensation or keep it low and drain the whole thing to be safe. If somehow there is an excessive amount of water in your tank with E85 it will rest at the bottom like it does in a tank with fuel. I drain 1/2 to 1 gallon of E85 before firing my GTO for the 1st time but it's probably not necessary.
I see the same droplets you see. I'm in florida and run e85. I think it the moisture in the air.
most of the exhaust from an internal combustion engine is water.. until the entire exhaust system gets up to temp, the moisture will condense inside the pipe and come out as water.
in other words- it's normal.
most of the exhaust from an internal combustion engine is water.. until the entire exhaust system gets up to temp, the moisture will condense inside the pipe and come out as water.
in other words- it's normal.

And since the stoichiometric air fuel ratio for E85 is lower than for gasoline you burn more gallons of fuel for the same amount of air so you make more water vapor in the exhaust at the same rpm (airflow) so you see more condensation in the exhaust until it all wams up :).