I just checked the computer and it has a sticker that reads "Engine Control Computer ASE Remanufactured Original Equipment" Number 7-6459 Calibration Code 09971M, it is not the ECM that my GN had when I took it the the garage, because this guy I know came to my home and told me that they had used a spare ECM that he had at home for his 84 T-Type and that it was now in my GN. Anyone has the phone number for Jim Testa so that I can call him so that he can burn me a chip (for an 86) this time and see what it will do because the number mentioned for the ECM does not jive with the # I found in my ECM. If I lower the fuel pressure to 45 vacum line on or at 50 at WOT the gauge does not go past 50, it does the same thing at 55 and it seems that the car needs more gas, BUT at 60 or 64 the pressure shoots all the way to 75 to 79 depending on how many psi of boost the car goes to, this does not seems right. Who do you guys recomend that I buy the Scan Master & Knock Sensor and the MAF (for an 86) from.
I just checked the computer and it has a sticker that reads "Engine Control Computer ASE Remanufactured Original Equipment" Number 7-6459 Calibration Code 09971M, it is not the ECM that my GN had when I took it the the garage, because this guy I know came to my home and told me that they had used a spare ECM that he had at home for his 84 T-Type and that it was now in my GN. Anyone has the phone number for Jim Testa so that I can call him so that he can burn me a chip (for an 86) this time and see what it will do because the number mentioned for the ECM does not jive with the # I found in my ECM. If I lower the fuel pressure to 45 vacum line on or at 50 at WOT the gauge does not go past 50, it does the same thing at 55 and it seems that the car needs more gas, BUT at 60 or 64 the pressure shoots all the way to 75 to 79 depending on how many psi of boost the car goes to, this does not seems right. Who do you guys recomend that I buy the Scan Master & Knock Sensor and the MAF (for an 86) from.