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EGR dummy


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Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2009
hello people; With my latest info. on the EGR valve. The latest chips deletes the function of the valve so it never opens. So I'd like to see a dummy EGR valve made that would block all leaks but still give you the illusion that it was there. So if your state requires it they would think it was there.
find an old EGR, fill the holes on it with JB weld, get a new gasket, there is your dummy.

hello people; I thought of something like that but it would still have a leak. I think? Maybe incorporate the block off plate (I hear vendors sell) to the valve and that would be the way to go.
All a block off plate is, is a piece of metal with a bolt hole and a bolt to attach it to the manifold. If you want to keep the valve there just put a piece of metal (like 1/16") inbetween the vavle and the manifold with some rtv. I have a piece already cut to fit it you want it. Thats how mine was set up til i just got the block off plate instead.
All a block off plate is, is a piece of metal with a bolt hole and a bolt to attach it to the manifold. If you want to keep the valve there just put a piece of metal (like 1/16") inbetween the vavle and the manifold with some rtv. I have a piece already cut to fit it you want it. Thats how mine was set up til i just got the block off plate instead.

hello people; Seems easy enough. I haven't took a really good look at it but thanks for the advise. Did you just block off the vac. line or did you remove it completely? Where does the line go? Is it buried?
hello people; Seems easy enough. I haven't took a really good look at it but thanks for the advise. Did you just block off the vac. line or did you remove it completely? Where does the line go? Is it buried?

It runs to the the hard vac lines that come off the vac block on top of the throttle body. Just cap it at the end of the hard line and remove the egr solenoid.