EGT Probe


New Member
Aug 15, 2002
I just got the new EGT probe from computech and i'm deciding where to put the probe. My first guess was to put it on the downpipe after the turbo but after reading some threads i see that people put in mostly on the passenger side header. What are the advantages, disadvantages of putting in on the downpipe and what kind of temperatures should i be looking at on the probe; downpipe or header. Any and all help would be appreciated.
There are kits out there or you can do it yourself and put the EGT where the O2 sensor is and move O2 to downpipe, or I have mine tapped in on the driver side header right before turbo, kind of opposit of where current stock O2 sensor location is.
should i not put it on the downpipe or is it going to give me about the same temperatures what temperatures should we be operating in and what is just way too hot?