Electrical issue


New Member
Nov 1, 2007
Hope someone here can give me some help or a place to start. The issue I am having is when you apply the brakes all parking lights, including interior lights, come on. Could it be as simple as a ground problem? If so where do I start and if not what else would cause this problem? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Have you changed anything recently or in the past regarding wiring? Maybe you wired something, such as a gauge, into something else that is completing the circuit. Otherwise, I don't see how this could happen.
No, I actually just purchased the car. I did notice that the pillar gauge back lighting comes on also when you apply the brakes.
Check the brake bulbs. Sometimes the filaments stick together or if the bulb is in wrong this will happen.
Thanks for the helps guys. I will check that out. I do have one question though. If that was the case would turning the parking lights on make the brake lights light up also? I didnt see if it did it or not just figured I would ask.