Exhaust pipe hair


New Member
Jun 3, 2003
About 4 or 5 months ago I pulled what looked just like human hair out of one of my exhaust pipes, it was around 10 inches long. Over the next few weeks I found a couple more strands of hair and then it stopped happening. Today I noticed the hair hanging out of one of the pipes again except this strand was a good 6 ft long. Does anyone know what this is or what it is doing in the exhaust pipes. A picture of the big strand is in my link.

Mufflers are usually packed with fiberglass mesh and other packing materials for sound deading. I would say your mufflers are going south and you are seeing the sound deading material come out the exhaust pipes. Time for a new muffler. I would go s.s. and do it right from the get go if you have the bucks.
Write Stephen King. I'm sure he could give you a few answers !! Check your car for any strange occurances such as; Dents fixing themselves, interior totally restores itself, engine sounds perfect and mean ( not that that's unusual !! ) and your new sound system refuses to play anything but early to mid 80's rock , and all your known enemies die unusual and horrible deaths !! Oh yeah, and you really start to dress real cool and all the hot chicks want to be with you but have a problem nearly choking to death while at the drive-in ( the choking part might not have anything to do with the car though ! ) Good Luck !
Maybe you sucked a long haired Chihuahua up your K&N! Funny, I thought they filtered better than that! I've never gotten anything larger than a mouse through mine. Hmmmmm.....
It's most likely the exhaust packing coming part and out the exhaust pipe.
New muffler time.