Hey guy's you can tell what the rev limiter is set to by the number on the chip.
Starting with the first # match them to each option.
Extender Chip part number definition
P (datastream) (inj) X (wastegate) (idle/rev) (theft/valet) (revision)
Datastream id (all have spark advance and pulsewidth for Scanmaster)
W- new high speed with IAC and Cross counts, requires Scanmaster 2.1
Y- old high speed, works with Scanmaster 2.0 and 2.1
Z- Stock, low speed.
A stock/red-top M 52 lucas
B Greenstripes N 57 Siemens High Impedance
C Bluetop P 55 Siemens or Delphi
D 868 Q 65 lb MSD
E 36 Lucas R 65 Siemens
F 38 MSD S 72 Siemens
G Greentop 803 T 72/75 MSD
H Redstripe U 83 Siemens
J 009 V 84 MSD
K 43 lb Limetop (Lightning) W 96 MSD
L 50 MSD X Custom injector or fuel delivery
Wastegate % low/high gear
1 - 60/50
2 - 70/60
3 - 80/75
4 - 85/80 ß--- about 16 psi with the stock wastegate, good street setting
5 - 90/85
6 - 95/90
7 - 100/95 ß--- Typical race setting, about 19 to 20 psi (stock wastegate)
x - custom wastegate setting
Idle / RevLimit
A 750/6000 Stock cam
B 800/6000 200 – 208 cam
C 850/6200 210 – 218 cam
D 900/6300 Big cam
E 1000/6300 Big cam
F 850/none 200 – 208 cam
G 900/none 210 – 218 cam
H 1000/none Big cam
X Custom
Theft prevention / custom option
0 - no anti-theft or valet provisions
1 - anti-theft + convenience/valet mode
x - custom option / feature
Convenience: can disable anti-theft temporarily, car will drive normally
Programmable valet: can disable anti-theft temporarily, WOT prevented.
Revision – current software/features revision is “F”
You welcome :biggrin: