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Extreme civic.


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Active Member
Apr 9, 2002
On my way home from the store yesterday I'am waiting at the light getting ready to make a left turn when I hear a chain saw
and I think "that's strange, cutting down trees in the intersection:confused: "
Then I look in my rear view and I see a
bile green civic with BIG extreme letters wrote sideways across his hood:D.
The two kids in it look like they have ants in their pants.I guess hhey were thinking "Big old car with rims an easy kill" :D .
The light turns green and I leave very easy and make my turn and just wait for him to jump in the right lane and make his futile attempt .
I hear his fartcan so I give it just enough gas to keep him beside me (ABOUT 1/10TH THROTTLE:D ,no boost, what a turd!
It's fun to play with your food:D .
Well my turn is coming up fast so it's time to kill this fool.
I ease into the throttle trying not to go over 15psi and kill the tires (lots of cops where I live) and put just enough car lenghts on him(no need to be rude) to let him know he's not in my HP zip code. I stop to make my turn home and they give me the finger.:rolleyes: =Ricer victory salute.
Like it's my fault he's got a slow car!
Don't pick on fast cars if your car is slow!:mad:
You mean "Extremely ricey Civic".

Originally posted by NEARING
I stop to make my turn home and they give me the finger.:rolleyes: =Ricer victory salute.

That pisses me off. If one of those punks flipped me off, I'd ask him to pull over and then ask him what his problem was.

Then again, I'd hate to get busted for domestic violence and lose my concealed carry permit.

......when I lose a street/stop light race, and I know its to a faster car, I just smile and wave or give a thumbs up. And usually feel embarrased.

The only ricer i've beaten is my friends mom's '83 Accord, and he didn't even give me the finger!;)
It's fun to play with your food.

ROTFLMAO! :D They probably dropped one of their rap CDs between the seats and blamed you. That's the part of rice that's most annoying: the music. Does rap and big Gumby pants cause them to relate better to their peers? Does slinging your hands around making Dr. Spock gestures while bobbing and weaving in an attempt to simulate dance moves make you cool?
They flipped you off because the driver probably was yelling

"Not fair! He's sprayin' Naawwwsss!" :rolleyes:
One day I'm gonna freak and grab one of those little asswipes middle fingers and bust it off.

What is with these misfits? Who are their parents? Are their parents as misguided as they are?

I guess that's a stupid question. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Ken Mild
One day I'm gonna freak and grab one of those little asswipes middle fingers and bust it off.

Ken Mild isn't. LOL.

Try being of that generation! I can't relate to people my own age... I know what they are saying... as incoherent as it may seem... but they still treat me like the freak when they see the big black car from the 80s... probably think that it is the Batmobile.

John Larkin, Your triyng to seem like your an older more mature person than the "ricers". Just because they have a different style than doesn't mean that you should feel the need to criticize them. I know many import kids that dont just do what most kids do, they actually get and engine from japan thats made for racing (Blueprinted Integra Type R Engine and a $5000 turbo system) and put there life into their car just as much as we do. Just because they have a system and wear some baggy pants doesnt mean that they dont know whats goin on. |Give some of them credit and dont lump them all into one category.
It's a fact! I am an older and more mature person. You can be young and mature also. If you've been following the thread, then you will note that it is about little jerky boy finger-flipping ricers who are poor losers, not car enthusiasts. My added comments about the music come from the typical experiences (read 90% of the time) I am subject to when near a riced out car. I don't like it. I don't like hearing that music with my windows rolled up. It's not wrong to state my opinion on that fact. If you've seen the Mitsubishi commercial with the oddly-acting little girl in the passenger seat, well then you can appreciate my observations about the movements as well. When the time comes on to recognize the achievements of Japanese powered vehicles and give credit to their owners, I'll make a personal decision whether to post a reply or not. :p For now, my comments and notations remain. Wow, I wrote all that without a personal attack; I must be getting soft (or remaining mature).
Alrite, I understand. I thought u just looked at the import crowd w/ a bad image. They can be cool if done right. Sorry about the personal attack last night, I was in a bad mood. :cool:
I love walking Civic's. :D

Ricey Civic pulls up to me in the El Camino, we 'go' from a roll (I went not even 1/4 throttle, it didn't even downshift). Paced him.

We get a light, kid thinks hes got me beat (he's laughing). I look over and give him a nice grin. Light drops, 15 cars easy. I didn't even bother taking it out of drive.

I let out... he comes flying up and wants to know what I have under the hood. Just look over and say, eh, it's only a 355.

Turns out he was spraying. :D

Man, I can't wait until I get a Buick. - I'll make these little gurls weep openly. :cool:
They just don't know any better

I was surfing some import sights last night and saw some stuff that blew my mind:rolleyes:
I am starting to see why these kids think thier cars can win:eek:
I saw several posts like"No, new SS's don't run 13's" and
my favorite "Buick GN's can run high 12's only on race gas and lots of mods,mostly stock ones run HIGH 14's or slower.":rolleyes:
If this sort of stuff is all the info these rice runners are getting than I am starting to understand why!

I'd say you probably got lucky just getting a ricer to play. I haven't been able to line up with a ricer yet. Most of the time for some reason they are always speeding somewhere, I'm doing 45 trying to line up a red light, they're doing 85 weaving through traffic trying to get to who knows where? What ever happened to the lost art of cruising? - BB:p