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fafa fooey for another 5 years!!!


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Turbo RX-6

Rotary Motors Suck
Oct 26, 2001
I will have to keep my Sirius radio and Howard On Demand for another 5 years... The King of all media re-signed.... :):):)
At least SOMEONE is listening to him, keeping our monthly premiums up for the rest of us...

I always thought he was lame. It's a free country and I hate censorship, so listen away if you like, but I can't believe they pay him that much money for no more than what he is.
At least SOMEONE is listening to him, keeping our monthly premiums up for the rest of us...

I always thought he was lame. It's a free country and I hate censorship, so listen away if you like, but I can't believe they pay him that much money for no more than what he is.

They probaby don't pay him enough. Before Howard signed with Sirius, XM was the big dog. Sirius had just over 1/2 million people. Howard comes over and brings millions of his listeners which gives Sirius the ability to take over XM. How many people do you think signed up to hear Oprah for an hour a week over the phone? How many people signed up to hear Martha Stewart? How many people signed up to listen to Jamie Fox? Very few. They should rename the entire company Howard Satellite Radio!!! I saw a statistic that over half of the Sirius listeners listen to 100 and 101 exclusively. Long live the King!!!!
At least SOMEONE is listening to him, keeping our monthly premiums up for the rest of us...

I always thought he was lame. It's a free country and I hate censorship, so listen away if you like, but I can't believe they pay him that much money for no more than what he is.

X2!...:frown:...What a jerk...

Claude. :rolleyes:
he used to be legit before he sold out

its just like everyone else in this world.........EVERYONE
(this is the part where 9 out of 10 members here need to point the finger at themselves)

for me, the question is was would he elevate his game after going private or lose it because he's blinded by the money and his gf. Well time told me what the answer was. so I dun listen, haven't ever he switched.

but hey there more at stack then just howard here, but it sucks he sold out bitch slapping all of his support. its a sad world when Alex Jones can run a show better the Howard.
His parents are still alive so he can't be "unemployed". :p:biggrin:

My buddy just hooked it up in his truck we go picking in, when he's at a stop I switch to Lithium, or Classic Rewind. :cool:

Nothing worse than listening to reruns of that show of idiots. :o
Howard was good.......15 years ago! I wouldn't buy a new car if it came with Sirius.
I stopped listening about a year before he went to satellite. I used to enjoy him on the way to work in the am, but got tired of listening to a bitchy old lady (howard not robin). But maybe he's better now that he's on satellite.
if he is "the King of all Media", then why is he not on boradcast radio any more??

i remember when the Howard Stern show first came to the Minneapolis/St Paul market in the late 90's. at first, he did ok in the ratings- but was always #2 to the KQ Morning Show on KQRS. he kept trying to talk smack about the main guy on the KQ show- Tom Barnard- by calling him "Tom Barnyard" and saying stupid things about him and his co-hosts. Tommy never even acknowledged him or retaliated in any way. Howard started getting more and more personal as his local ratings sank lower and lower- even going so far as to insult Minnesotans in general on a regular basis for not recognizing his obvious genius. i think he lasted just over a year in the MN market- you just don't insult a MN institution like Tom, Terri, and the rest of the KQ Morning Show Crew and expect to come out on top in this market..
I quit listening when his movie came out and got mediocre reviews. He blasted the critics, that is when I realized he could dish it out but not take it.
if he is "the King of all Media", then why is he not on boradcast radio any more??

Besides the money, maybe the lack of jurisdiction from the FCC or not having to play 25 minutes of commercials every hour?

IMO, the satellite years are the best of Howard's career. Alot less bits, stunts, and whores. Howard has definately evolved over the past dozen years. If you haven't listened to him since then, you probably wouldn't recognize the show.
Apparently, those of you who listen to such tripe, your worlds' revolve around these parasites who are deliberately destroying America and it's culture because they view you as useless feeders. Haven't you noticed? These people are in total control of the MSM (& the banks, the legal system, the educational system, Hollywood, you name it, they run it) and have used it, for all of your lives, to brainwash you all. Wake up!

Take your Jew hating bull$h|t to the political forum.
Apparently, those of you who listen to such tripe, your worlds' revolve around these parasites who are deliberately destroying America and it's culture because they view you as useless feeders. Haven't you noticed? These people are in total control of the MSM (& the banks, the legal system, the educational system, Hollywood, you name it, they run it) and have used it, for all of your lives, to brainwash you all. Wake up!

Ever thought about keeping your anti-semitic views to yourself since NOBODY wants to hear that crap on this site? This has come up before.
Besides the money, maybe the lack of jurisdiction from the FCC or not having to play 25 minutes of commercials every hour?

IMO, the satellite years are the best of Howard's career. Alot less bits, stunts, and whores. Howard has definately evolved over the past dozen years. If you haven't listened to him since then, you probably wouldn't recognize the show.

X2 People either love him or hate him and most that hate him haven't listened to in over 10 years! They have no clue how the show has changed just in the last 5 years alone. Not as much crude, rude, and nude things going on but more interviews with interesting people. Shoot, he just had Billy Joel in the studio on his piano for one of the best interviews/music sessions of all time! Either way love him or hate him it doesn't change the fact he caused XM to merge with Sirius that now has over 20 Million subscribers. So, I would say a few people are still listening and willing to pay for CONTENT, something terrestrial radio doesn't provide anymore. Oh ya I almost forgot "RED REGAL T" is a moron.:smile:
Let's keep the thread on track.
Red's comments have already been addressed.