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Failed AZ. emissions high NOX


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bad six

New Member
Aug 28, 2001
today I failed due to high NOX, here are the numbers.
vechicle state standard
HC 0.78 1.60 PASS
CO 4.34 15.00 PASS
NOX 2.96 2.50 FAIL

I am running a TT emissions chip set at 38psi line off, new cat all egr ports welded, new motor with 224/224cam 50psi injectors, ported heads, 6152 turbo. The coolant temp was at about 198 to 201 for the test and outside air temp about 101 degrees. I had a full tank of 91 octane gas, my question is would d-natured alcohol do the trick or something else? And if so how much to add to the tank, fuul or empty? any help would be greatly appreciated.
if your nox's are highit's usually a non functioning or bad egr valve or a gutted or bad cat, but I see your catalytic converter is new.
Since u failed nox try this first. Run 50miles without your gas cap on and when u get to the emissions put the cap back on and try again it should purge your gas tank and lines to the charcoal canister. I had to do this to get several of my turbo cars to pass the nox. Hopefully this will help.
Not to burst your bubble but without an EGR you ain't going to many guys here have tried without an EGR...and failed...who may get lucky
WHAT IS HEET? my buddys gn wont pass due to high nox, but his car has all the smog stuff on it.
You can get it at Autozone, etc., in the chemicals/additives section. It's actually a gas drier for cold weather starts. Basically alchohol.
I got good news for you. You dont have to do emissions in arizona. As long as you get collectors insurance you dont have to go threw it any more with the buicks