Favorite Soda


Active Member
Jun 2, 2002
What is you favorite soda ?

1) Diet Dr Pepper
2) Fresca
My list alternates between these 2 for #1
lol equalizer.

I am fond of Fresca myself, but in its time and place, a cold Squirt is good too.
But when you are in the heat, make it a cold Corona or a tequila with lime ty.
Steward's Orange Cream. Tastes like a Creamsicle
I've never had one, but they say the Dr Pepper made with cane syrup or something is the best. I think you can only get it in Texas or wherever its made.
The "Dublin" Dr Pepper (pure cane sugar) is great stuff! Hard to find if you live outside of Texas. I split a shipped case of cans with a co-worker -- they won't ship bottles-- expensive but well worth it!

I have 2 new favorites:

Barq's Red Cream (not the French Vanilla)
Boylan's Creamy Red Birch Beer.

I see someone mentioned Vernors. Good real Ginger Ale flavor!
Originally posted by striker_29
I've never had one, but they say the Dr Pepper made with cane syrup or something is the best. I think you can only get it in Texas or wherever its made.

Dublin, TX and its the only place that makes it with the original formula which includes cane sugar rather than corn sweetner. It's the best. Cheerwine rules too.

1- IBC root beer
2- Barqs root beer
3- Coke
4- Sunkist
5- Nu Grape

Trying to only drink 1 a day now, so I've got a craving for all of the above. :D