First car....first fraud. Can I do anything?

Hey Good Luck

My first GN I bought sight unseen, had someone check out the car, told me"oh yeah it looks great and it has 33000 on the clock"
Hmph, had about 133,000.
The body had signs of collision damage, and the turbo had gone south as well.......I just sold it and took about a 3000 hit on it too just to climb out from underneath the loan.
Hope you learned your lesson, I know I did.
Good Luck
Steve Chambers
BTW Im still gettin another T/R
These things and the potential and the looks are just too awesome to skip by.......
And cheap too:D :rolleyes:
Originally posted by FirePWR
It is going to go up for sale on Monday evening for about 5,500 after I talk to KDK if there is no way to fix it cheap. There a guy thats stalking around thier shop for a car with a busted engine (kid in diesel mech. school) and has about that to spend, so it will prob. be gone, but if you are interested, anyone, let me know at or 321-432-8578. Name is Preston.

If there is someone ignorant enough in the world to buy a rusty turbo regal with a blown engine and a loud exhaust for anywhere near 5500 bucks....see if you can sell him a bridge too. Give him a package deal.
Originally posted by FirePWR
The very one from E-bay. Thanks for all your help. Finally got ahold the seller and he is standing by the car, knows nothing aobut any kind of bent rod and is going to call the shop that beuilt the engine to see if maybe they know. Said it was running "fine", sounded loud with the exhaust but was otherwise perfect. Very adament about the car, and seems genuine on whats been going on with it. Might spend some more money and have KDK look at it. It is going to go up for sale on Monday evening for about 5,500 after I talk to KDK if there is no way to fix it cheap. There a guy thats stalking around thier shop for a car with a busted engine (kid in diesel mech. school) and has about that to spend, so it will prob. be gone, but if you are interested, anyone, let me know at or 321-432-8578. Name is Preston.
And just so everyone knows, I am looking at a Grand National in the very next town that just came up for sale....and it will be going to KDK before money is spent. Lesson learned any way I go, so lets all hope that "way" is going to be the cheapest for me. Again, anyone want any info, let me know. Or any other ideas, I am still open.
Thanks agian -Preston

As someone said before, save all of your correspondence with this guy. E-mail is best because it's in writing.

He will get to a point where he'll no longer be interested in standing by the car (i.e., when he realizes that doing the right thing would be to take the car back and give you your money back). I'd bet my left nut that eventually he's going to blame you for the engine damage.

And as another person mentioned, you'll not likely get anywhere near $5,500 for a rusty TR with a blown engine. I think you're stuck with the car so try to make the best of it. See how much $ you can get out of the seller, if anything. He's not obligated in any way to remedy the situation.

Good luck.

Originally posted by JToups386
I was wondering when someone would notice his blatent mistakes in spelling and grammar. It appears his own anger engulfs him to the point of being an illiterate, blithering idiot!
Actually, I think he just needs a good hug...:rolleyes: Poor fella', he's obviously dealing with some serious issues related to Maine, and I would imagine it'll end up causing him physical ailments, as soon as some of you folks from Maine get ahold of him. He's actually stupid enough to have placed the necessary stats in his profile, if you want to take a look.

Seriously though, I was quite annoyed by his comments, and would like to see his User ID banned from the board. I've always been impressed at the demeanor, intelligence, and lack of idiocy that usually exists on this board, but then along comes "Mr. DCEPTCN", which he probably thinks that's how you actually spell "deception".
All I can say is "Lighten up Frances", or go find an angry youth board to spew your RIDICULOUS banter!

This thread is supposed to be trying to help a kid in need.
FirePWR, make sure you have/find all the email correspondence from day one! This will be your best record to present legally, if you pursue it. I really do wish you the best in this situation.
How you actually spell 'deception'? It's a transformers joke on decepticon, you idiot. And as for my unfortunate placement of an 'e' in ridiculous, you got me- I can't type...but if anyone is working at my grammer.."I'll not ....' there's nothing wrong with that. Now- who wants to come to HIGHWAY 472 IN STANLEY NM and give me some sh!t? Better yet, where is everybody in Maine, I go to Portland and Rockland every year. We are really screwing up this guy's thread, so if anyone one has any more mistaken come-backs, make it a private message.
Originally posted by DCEPTCN
...but if anyone is working at my grammer..".... Now- who wants to come to HIGHWAY 472 IN STANLEY NM and give me some sh!t?

LMAO .. Another computer tough guy. I think it is hilarious when someone makes that kind of statement. Like there is no one in the entire world that can kick their a$$. Those are the guys that figure out someone actually is tougher or better armed once it's too late.

Personally, I think they were working ON your grammer not AT it.

Steve "I'm not tough, but I am a good shot" Sullivan
Originally posted by DCEPTCN
How you actually spell 'deception'? It's a transformers joke on decepticon, you idiot. And as for my unfortunate placement of an 'e' in ridiculous, you got me- I can't type...but if anyone is working at my grammer.."I'll not ....' there's nothing wrong with that. Now- who wants to come to HIGHWAY 472 IN STANLEY NM and give me some sh!t? Better yet, where is everybody in Maine, I go to Portland and Rockland every year. We are really screwing up this guy's thread, so if anyone one has any more mistaken come-backs, make it a private message.

Too funny. You started the fight with the "unarmed opponents" from Maine on an intellectual level, that didn't quite work out for you so now you want to beat some ass. Smart guy I see...or should I say WICKED smaht.

I agree...let's let the topic get back on track but do everyone a favor and don't take any more shots at people's intelligence until you can spell your insult. ;)
Originally posted by V6 Beast
Those are the guys that figure out someone actually is tougher or better armed once it's too late.

Better armed usually being the case in this day and age. You just never know what is going to come out of the pocket of your "opponent" these days.
Originally posted by DCEPTCN
How you actually spell 'deception'? It's a transformers joke on decepticon, you idiot. And as for my unfortunate placement of an 'e' in ridiculous, you got me- I can't type...but if anyone is working at my grammer.."I'll not ....' there's nothing wrong with that. Now- who wants to come to HIGHWAY 472 IN STANLEY NM and give me some sh!t? Better yet, where is everybody in Maine, I go to Portland and Rockland every year. We are really screwing up this guy's thread, so if anyone one has any more mistaken come-backs, make it a private message.

I'm sorry, I know we agreed to allow this thread to revert back to the original issue, but what fun would it be, if we did not keep "DCEPTCN" in check? :D I'm laughling like a giddy child, at the fact he called me an "idiot" for not recognizing his user-name was in relation to the "Transformers"! Stop, stop, oh my side hurts!:eek: I'm so very sorry "D". I didn't understand your name, as I quit playing with little boy dolls and robots about 25 years ago, and did not realize I was picking on a fella' that still does. Again, I apologize on everyone's behalf, as we thought we were defending ourselves against an adult. I had no idea we were "arming" ourselves against a kid with toys, although your childish angst now makes much more sense... :D By the way "D", is HIGHWAY 472 IN STANLEY NM where your treehouse is? Owwww, I just can't stop laughing at this guy...! :D ;)

And on a serious note - FIREPWR, do you have any updates on contact with the sender? Some folks on this thread have made some good comments on your options, ie pursuing mail fraud, amongst other things. Keep us informed, and we do apologize for allowing all the extra hooplah, per "Jr. Dceptcn's" babble.
Again, I will be happy to argue with you until the sun goes down-but let's keep it off of this thread.
Please ban this fool. I have no need, nor the time to read a thread that is supposed to be asking peers for help. This obviously isn't going anywhere with the childish bickering. It amazes me everyday that people cannot get along with each other. Writing your name in on the list not to help when this country is overrun by another cause people are intolerant to others and feel we may be an easy target.

What a Moron you are! Why do you travel to MAINE if you hate it so much. :rolleyes:

How can you lump all of Maine as the same type people.
There are retards everywhere all over the USA.

When you look in the mirror
you are the BIGGEST :D

I agree ban or pull the post