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Jack's Smirking Revenge
May 24, 2001
Since I have been away, I have not had the oppurtunity to feed on anything, worms in particular, but last nite on my way in to work, I noticed a white MR2 that had really nice rims, and a chrome dual exhaust setup weave its way behind me to turn onto the interstate, I thought sweet, finally gonna get a race, we get on the interstate and as soon as I make a lane change i look over and there is a white 3000 GTVR4 right next to me, so I give him a little gas to see if he will bite, and the MR2 is staying back not making a move. Well the GT doesnt bite at all, so i keep going, out of nowhere, comes a White 98ish SVT cobra convertable with his chick next to him, right as i looked over and saw this, i gave the guy a big smile and we both nailed it, i was gone in a matter of seconds, he pulls back up to me, says my car is badass, i give him the thumbs up, more for the girl not the car :P and we went at a couple more times both times i let him get the jump so that i could see how quickly it would take me to real him in, I'd have to say even in this heat/humid WX, my car pulls like a madman at 20 psi in 3rd and still pulls hard in 4th. thats with no knock on 93 pump no alky.....

no my heads are untouched cept for valve springs, its a 100% stock motor with 121k on it

Who is TylerDurden?

That name didn't mean anything to me until Robert Poulson told me about him. Of course, Robert Poulson is dead now...;)
Tyler!... flunked my test I retake in 3 weeks :( I screwed up on a the aviation knowledge part. I actually scored high enough to pass but the one section I didn't make the minimum, oh well redo :D

Any good deployments? I guess the 2003 flight bill has already been met so I am applying for '04 with a waiver (age).

Any ideas on what the board wants to hear for a entrance paper?


P.S. good kill, lol!

are you talking about aviators? I heard (lately) that there were spots for NFOs...
Yea, lots of NFO spots is what I heard too. Guess I'll be just sitting on the doc of the bay...watchin timmmme role away :D
heh heh

Hey Goose, is that you? (even more movie references) I always wanted to fly, but apparently god didn't give me the eyes to do it. So for me, sitting "in the back" would be the next best thing, besides that I kinda always wanted to be a "zero" although at this point, it looks I'll be pursuing municipal law enforcement instead.

Watz - good luck on your retest! Can you study for that thing?

What kind of aircraft does TylerDurden fly?
I am not sure of what paper you are referring too????
the test you are talking about is the aviation standard test battery right??? 5 sections???

all you can do is your best on that,
sorry for any confusion, but where in college are you? or do you have a degree already? if so how are you/will you get a commision?


ps i will be off deployment in 9 days so i will have more time to be on here after the 8th of august......
I am not sure of what paper you are referring too????
the test you are talking about is the aviation standard test battery right??? 5 sections???

all you can do is your best on that,
sorry for any confusion, but where in college are you? or do you have a degree already? if so how are you/will you get a commision?


ps i will be off deployment in 9 days so i will have more time to be on here after the 8th of august......


I was requested to write a paper listing my reasons for join the military. Just wondering what they want to hear.

Yea the ASTB, on section I messed up on so I have to retake, the math part was easy but I got mixed up on the turn left right wing up questions...
My degree will be here in December :D Party on :D :D :D :D :D

How about you just go redo flight school for me? that would eliminate some of the doubts in my head...

Have you heard of recruiters overfilling pilot spots just to up the number of officers in? Meaning a sure we'll get you to flight school but the XXX number of people get DQ'd and opt for their second choice??? Big rumor I have been hearing.
Originally posted by watz

I was requested to write a paper listing my reasons for join the military. Just wondering what they want to hear.

Have you heard of recruiters overfilling pilot spots just to up the number of officers in? Meaning a sure we'll get you to flight school but the XXX number of people get DQ'd and opt for their second choice??? Big rumor I have been hearing.

What *are* your reasons for joining the military?:confused:

As far as overfilling pilot spots, I vote "no" b/c vacancy levels can go up and down (usually 5-10 year cycles) if the Navy says they need 3000 new aviators, then that's what they shoot for. If they fill all 3000, then the Navy probably won't try to fill any aviator slots until they need to again (in about 5-10 years) Don't forget that there are always the 21 y/o grads coming out of Annapolis & ROTC programs across the country, so officer recruiters are looking to fill shortages above this.

If you want to be a Navy Pilot, keep looking for more information about what that means exactly. I have zero first hand experience, but my guess is that flying is about 50% of your job (or less, except in time of war) You might not really like the remaining 50% of what comes with the job. And then, there's competition, you might not end up flying what you want (I'm thinking maybe you know all this already, I'm repeating it in case there is anything that you didn't)

Do you have any previous military experience? OCS will be a very rude awakening if you have no idea what to expect...