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First Kill!! :)


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Hard Member
Dec 17, 2001
Thought I would share my first kill with everybody seeing how happy I am at the present time.

First off this was the second time I have driven this car. I just bought my first '87 GN from Dennis Kirban. What a beautiful unmolested GN with 43k on the ticker thats bone stock.

Back to my story.....

It was Friday night and I was on the strip just to stretch it's legs alittle due to the long storage she's been in, when all of a sudden a '96-'98 Cobra Mustang pulls up next to me at the light. I had full tank of gas and 2 passangers. The light turns green and the Cobra takes off. Great hole shot by the Cobra. I didn't even spool the turbo up I just dropped the hammer when the light went green.

The Cobra got about a car 1 1/2 car lengths ahead of me when all of a sudden the party started. My little turbo was all spooled up and I flew by him. We hit the next stop light and he wanted to go again. However by this time my wife was yelling at me:mad: so I let him go on his own. It was enough for me to call it a victory. The sad thing is that I don't think he realized what it was that just raced him. I'm quickly learning how many people don't seem to know what a Grand National is. All the more fun for me.

Thanks for your time and hunting season will be open again very soon. Summer months and drive pavement make a GN owner happy.

Merry Christmas to all.
Great Kill! Gotta love "snake skinning"! Tell the wife that you're just having fun.
boostedmaxPSI is this Dennis Kirban the same as the Kirban Performance that is out in PA? If so what are they like to deal with? I will be finished with college next year and I'm going to be looking for a turbo buick (my present to me).
snake hunting

will my mostly stock t type be able to smoke a 96 cobra??? if so how come i was almost dead even with a brand spankin new GT?

Yes this is the same Dennis Kirban as in Kirban Performance. Dennis made puchasing this car an easy experience. First off I bought the car sight unseen, you pretty much have to if you live as far as I do. The majority of his cars sell withen 48hrs. I put a $250 deposit on the car to hold it for me until I mailed him a check.

When I recieved the car I must say that it was in better shape than Dennis described it. Which was good for me. Dennis will only pick cars that meet his standard; he won't pick up an abused turbo regal to sell. Most of his cars that he sells if not all of them will get the missing body busing and brace the front for extra support. With mine he also added floor mats, replaced the hood shocks, washer and coolant resevoirs.

I had the car shipped to my location here in Washington about 3 weeks later. I now have the Yen to go with my Yang. Hope this helps and good luck to you.

Ouch! bummer about your '86 was it ever recovered? As far as you keeping up with a new GT. I can't see why not a new GT at the track is only turning, on an average of mid to low 14's. You should be able to handle that with no problem.

And beating this Cobra. Well the night air and My turbo must have been made for each other. :D
You just need a wife like mine. She would have had her foot on top of mine making sure it was floored. I have mirrored tint windows on my 81 Cutlass that she used to drive, She raced a Mustang one time (me in the pass. seat, no license too many speed), anyway, she did not know the Mustang was racing till it took off, she nailed it and passed it up. At the next light she rolls down the window and looks over at them, I could read the rear passengers lips saying to the driver..."it's a girl !" Hell, she was even the first one to put the pedal to the floor in my jetboat. I gotta love her.:)
Originally posted by CHECKMATE
You just need a wife like mine. She would have had her foot on top of mine making sure it was floored.

Damn you gotta love it!!!!

Hey thanks for the feedback. I live 2 states over from Kirban Performance I figure that working with them would take out the guess work.

Good luck with your GN and happy hunting;)

Where are you reffering to when you say "the strip"? My kid sister graduated from Univ of Puget Sound, and now lives in Bellevue. Just wondering..:)

BTW, I love it up there in Wash. State. Beautiful. Wouldn't mind moving up there to live. In the meanwhile, I just have to "visit" my sis, as often as possible. :)

Oh yeah. Good Kill! :cool:

Good kill.......

Good kill, always nice to see someone "defang" a snake and release it back into the wild.

Hey Bra!

Not Bellevue. I live in Lake Stevens and cruise around the Lynnwood/Everett area.

Also, I too use to live in Hawaii. The North Shore to be exact. Halewia. I lived right off the only bridge there across the street from the reasturant. I lived there for three years then moved back to Washington.

I missed the cold rain.