Following the speed limit is dangerous: VIDEO

Pablo said:
Bottom line, it got media play nationally and now the spot light is on whoever it was who decided that that road should have a ridiculously low speed limit. I'll bet anything that the entity responsible is probably getting alot of phone calls and attention over their decision making process

EVERY SINGLE HIGHWAY IN THE WHOLE COUNTRY had a 55 MPH speed limit up until the mid 90's. That was the federal law. My gut feeling is that if anybody is getting any calls and attention over this particular stretch of road they could care less.

It seems to me that most highways in metropolitan areas are still posted 55... or maybe 60 tops. It's not like this road is in any way unique.
Pablo said:
Whats even funnier is that every time I have seen this happen I have not seen anything up ahead and traffic never did come to a complete stop.

Not saying there wasn't anything up ahead, but it has always seemed to me that the traffic was being slowed to the speed limit because thats what we were doing.

Can you personally guarantee that it is never used and never has been used for this purpose?

Because if you can't, that would be really funny

But thats besides the point, the reason for it is irrelevant, the point is it happens, and is essentially the same thing as what these kids did, probably more dangerous because of the cop zooming back and fourth between lanes

I did think it was funny that you missed the point though, thanks for the laugh

I'm a cop in CA, I work with the CHP on a daily basis and have run a few highway breaks myself. If you didn't see anything, it was farther up ahead. If you didnt come to a complete stop, its because the hazard was removed before the break was finished.

I can guarantee that the CHP doesnt swerve from one end of the highway to the other with thier lights on to make everyone drive the speed limit, that is just silly.

If everyone drove the speed limit, they'd have hardly anthing to do.

And I didn't miss the point, which is why I stated "sorry to hijack" at the beginning...
One day those guys will get shot, and we'll see posts giving them the Darwin Award.
They have posted on in Topeka Kansas (I-70) 65 max and 40 minimal. After it goes passed the turnpike on I70 going east it goes to 70 mph.

Which ever way, even if everyone was going 55, then that same pack of people would be bunched up. The amount of people wouldnt be smaller.

The video just shows when everyone goes the speed limit, you still have the same pack of people will still be there.

No reason for the video. just a bunch of college kids who think they are smarter then everyone else.

I give this video of -10 for worthless.