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Fontana: 13 May, 2005, all of the local so cal talent is signed


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Pay close attention, take notes, and tomorrow we will have a test. I don't know what goes here, but it is quite readable when i bring it up from home but when i bring it up from work, it is reduced. Cursor anywhere on the black, left click. But why were you asking, you guys never go to any Buick events anyhow. J/K dude, come, I know that it is along drive but it will be fun. Great excuse to take the day off of work. I do. See you guys there?????
8 cars already signed up, man this is going to be a good showing for the 13 May get together....Is Scott "Chevota" going to come:confused:
To Wells about this mean nothing race

Wells, sorry you could not make it out to Palmdale we had a decent turn out of racers and spectators with the first place buick winner walking away with $100 cash and also watching Pat Martinez's twin turbo duttweiler motor Regal running et's of 9:32- 152 MPH and 8:80 ET @ 158 MPH and also the last run of 8:65ET @ 165 MPH . Its to bad that most all the so call Buick Turbo guys that signed up at $100 to race at an event which means absolutely nothing to the out come, oh well these guys no were their loyalty is.

Steve Hurst, President-BGNRA " And dam proud of it"

PS; We sign up 5 new members for the club
Re: To Wells about this mean nothing race

"Re: To Wells about this mean nothing race"

Originally posted by hurstbuick
Wells, sorry you could not make it out to Palmdale we had a decent turn out of racers and spectators with the first place buick winner walking away with $100 cash and also watching Pat Martinez's twin turbo duttweiler motor Regal running et's of 9:32- 152 MPH and 8:80 ET @ 158 MPH and also the last run of 8:65ET @ 165 MPH . Its to bad that most all the so call Buick Turbo guys that signed up at $100 to race at an event which means absolutely nothing to the out come, oh well these guys no were their loyalty is.

Steve Hurst, President-BGNRA " And dam proud of it"

PS; We sign up 5 new members for the club [/B]
Is there any reason in particular why you are ragging on me?
You are way out of line on this, Steve.

"Re: To Wells about this mean nothing race"
Did this statement come from your imagination, or what? It was never stated by me, nor was it ever stated by anybody that I know of that I am aware of. Was this an assumption made by yourself, for yourself? If so, it is and was very incorrect, to say the least.
If you go basck over any and all of my posts/responses, I have never ever ragged on nor complained about in any way, you as President of the BGNRA, or any of the members or officers of the BGNRA. I have openly supported you and the BGNRA at all times that I am aware of. I don't know of too many of the BGNRA supported events that I have not gone to. I could not make this one for personal reasons. I have gone to Deere Park and Bastes Nut Farm for all of the last 8 or so years. I have even attended the Mile Square Park shows years back. I do admit to not being a member of the BGNRA, but, then again, I am not a member of anything. Club or or otherwise. I do not go to the club meetings either, as I am not a member. I do go to the shows and races, which is what I enjoy the most.
Oh, I know now. You feel slighted because I posted about the GN clan being signed up for the next up-coming race day at Fontana on 13 May, 2005. I just noted an observation, Steve. Do you remember sending me an E-mail asking me to post something about the upcoming BGNRA race at Palmdale to support it. I did just that, Steve. Don't you remember? What is this, I can post about BGNRA activities when you request it, but I am not supposed to post about other races/Buick events? What is this, Steve? I am an infidel because I did not attent the Palmdale races one time, but I did post regarding the up-coming Fontana races? I pretty much pledge allegiance, Steve, to the Buick and Pontiac clan in general, but more specifically the turbo Buick and Pontiac TTA clan. If that is too politically incorrect for you, Steve, then please let me know.
And, FWIW, am happy that you signed up 5 new members. You and I have known each other long enough that I feel that my loyalty to either you or the BGNRA should not have been judged by not being a member of the BGNRA, by posting about other Buick/TTA events, or by missing 1 BGNRA event. Do you feel so strong about your judgement and convictions of me that you would rather that I do not attend the up-coming Bates Nut Farm Show?
About my last post

Gary; The post was not met for you at all, sorry about that. Gary the post was met for the so called Buick racing group which does not support true Buick race events but will go out and cough up a $100 to race at a mean nothing event.
Again Gary I deep apolopgize to you for any thing I said which might have aggravated you.

Steve Hurst
So does that mean that I can still got o the Bates Nut farm show?
J/K, Steve,
Sorry, Steve, evidently I read something into the thread that was not there. My apologies. I read the Wells part and I thought what have I done?
"It's to (sic) bad that most all the so call (sic) Buick Turbo guys that signed up at $100 to race at an event which means absolutely nothing to the out come (sic), oh well these guys no (sic) where their loyalty is."

"Gary the post was met (sic) for the so called Buick racing group which does not support true Buick race events but will go out and cough up a $100 (sic) to race at a mean nothing event."

I am astounded by these remarks, and I can't decide which is worse: the level of arrogance, the magnitude of the presumptuousness, or the terrible grammar contained within them. Perhaps it is all three.

I usually don't enter debates of this nature, but this time I feel compelled to respond. First, let's briefly recap current events, "bullet-style":

(1) It rained Friday night April 22nd, which usually doesn't bode well for the following day from a traction standpoint.

(2) According to the National Weather Service's website, conditions at Palmdale on Saturday were as follows: temperature in the 70's, winds were out of the west anywhere from 10 to 35 MPH, and the density altitude was over 3700 feet...AS USUAL. This would easily knock 4 tenths & 4 MPH off my car.

(3) A couple of the folks you mention (by virtue of lumping us all together) trailer their vehicles to the track. For example, it's a long way from Temecula to Palmdale, and a tow rig consuming $2.60/gal diesel at 12 mpg or less (it is uphill, after all) is going to create a dent in someone's pocketbook. It is also a significant chunk of travel time on the road, and people have outside schedules.

(4) With taxes and so on, good race gas now costs $9.50 a gallon. That's Nine-fifty. Per. Gallon. Multiply that by 10 gallons, and you tally up a quick $95. You may not have been aware of this pricing change, because you haven't bought any race gas for your WE4 in the 5 years since I've been back from Washington state, and likely longer.

I choose not to tow my vehicle, mainly because I don't have the space to store a car trailer. That being the case, I drive my car to the track. One reason I choose not to race at Palmdale is because I want options should the unthinkable happen: quite simply, it's easier to get rescued by AAA at Fontana, plus it's a shorter ride home. To anticipate the next question, yes, I'll drive to events at Las Vegas. Why? Because "broken car" options are still available, and/or I'd at least be able to work something out with one of the local guys. Secondly, I have entered past BGNRA racing events (or BGNA, when I resided in the Pacific Northwest) and one thing I've learned is that I really don't enjoy bracket racing at all. My wife is much better at it, and, even though it was years ago, she almost wiped out at Palmdale when a cross-track wind gust blew her sideways out of the groove in the left hand lane and very nearly into the wall during a low 12-second pass. She hasn't forgotten that experience.

Let us now address the issue of cost: yes, it's $100 to participate in the track rental event. To compare, the admission price to race at Palmdale is (I think) $20. Then we have the additional $25 or whatever the amount was to enter the BGNRA event this past Saturday. Your bracket winner netted about $50. For the $50-$55 difference, I'd much rather take part in being able to get a virtually unlimited number of heads-up runs on a decent track that has a lighted pit area without gravel in it, and still be able to get home at a reasonable hour to relieve the babysitter. With regard to a "mean nothing event", my wife and I enjoy racing at these venues to spend quality time together and have fun, not to showcase another individual's talent as an event organizer. In other words, it means something to us. Did Pope Benedict anoint you as an official de facto Buick racing sanctioning body while none of us were watching CNN? And, what do you mean by " event which means absolutely nothing to the out come (sic)"? What "outcome"?? We had five TRs at the March 25th gathering, and all five of us ran solid 10's. Had Tim Lee not changed his mind and brought his GN-powered Skylark instead of his '04 GTO, we would have had six Turbo Buicks running 10's. My wife and I switched off driving, and she ended up with a best of 12.20 at 123.5 MPH. Overall, our group made a huge impression on the Viper club guys that were there; you should have seen it. Jeff Rand posted a topic about the March 25th deal, and you even replied to it! We had a number of TR owners in attendance (including Jason Cramer & Len Freeman) acting as moral support, and they dove in and lent a hand whenever and wherever they were needed. Oh wait, did I just use the word "support" in the previous sentence...? Yes, I did.

Finally, what really chaps my hide is that, if you follow the web link fellow board member smokin'6 provided in his "LACR Event Pix" topic (see and check out his photos, you fill find the following image second from the top:


This photo speaks volumes. For readers that are unfamiliar, the white '88 Regal coupe with the magnetic sign affixed to its passenger door is Steve's. Nowhere is his clean, running WE4 to be found, because it was at home, holding down the garage floor. I'm told it has high mileage, something like 140K. Well, a lot of TRs do nowadays, mine included (I'm closing in on 170K). Steve, I for one find the juxtaposition of your scathing "so called Buick racing group" remarks highlighted in boldface at the top of this post, the photo above, and the complete absence of "7LTRETR" (the vanity plate on Steve's WE4) from any racing venue (and by that I mean the actual track, not just the surrounding parking area) for the last 5 or 6 years, totally at odds with one another. I have gone to BGNRA/Bates Nut Farm shows to both display my cars and/or just attend, and attended one of the shows at Westminster Buick (in fact, you can see the corner of my car in the very last photo on smokin6's website.) The last June meeting at El Torito Grill I attended was back in 2002 or '03, if memory serves. I loved going to the tech sessions at Lou's Auto, particularly the one where the late racing great/Indy 500 winner Rodger Ward addressed our group. I mean, c'mon, it was the Lou and Elizabeth the Amazing Inflatable Sheep Show, the group, the guys, etc.; overall, a can't-miss program. But I digress…

I now support the Buick community in a different way. Are you currently mentoring a young local whose dream it is to own a Turbo Buick? Have you taken time out of your Saturdays this past month to go look at various TRs with him, and given your input? I'll answer both of those for you: NO. Do you get the periodic phone call at home requesting tech help, and can you provide it? NO. Have you met other Buick owners at local car hangouts like Donut Derelicts in HB or Main Street Garden Grove, been questioned about your combo and asked for tips and info, and provided an email address to the other person if they asked? In all likelihood, NO.

Steve, I appreciate the fact you are the glue that has held a "band of TR brothers" together for as long as you have and congratulate you on the BGNRA's steady membership, but your remarks were uncalled for.
I am counting the days for this meaningless race. However if I get into the 9's it will be a race that I will never forget.
New numbers.

9 GN's / T's
1 Buick powered Toyota

Hmmmmm. There's

6 LS1 Vette's
7 Z06's

Signed up as well, 2 more Buicks and we could have a Vette / Turbo 6 showdown @ Fontucky;)

See you guys Friday
My meaningless life

I'll bring my poser mobile and hang out with the rest of you losers too. ;)

Re: My meaningless life

Originally posted by 750H.P.V6
I'll bring my poser mobile and hang out with the rest of you losers too. ;)

Excellent idea. Lets think of a person or group that we can trash when we meet at the track!

Kevin: we need another fast Buick to round out the posse...bring yours. No "I leave it in the garage because it's too nice" or "I don't want to abuse it" excuses, just bring it. :p
I am supersticious, friday the 13th not a good day, plus if i bring mine it will be the slowest of the bunch(everyone i saw there the last time was hitting 10's), I don't want to embarrass myself, if i am lucky i would prolly hit mid to low 11's, and with the prices of race gas, forgetaboutit...i need second job to be able to afford and go racing..

Originally posted by Drip Pan
Kevin: we need another fast Buick to round out the posse...bring yours. No "I leave it in the garage because it's too nice" or "I don't want to abuse it" excuses, just bring it. :p
Morgan and Neal - Thank you so much again for coming and looking at the car with us on Sat. You guys are the best. We can't wait for the 13th - we expect to see Cathy smoke at least one Viper :) Thanks again guys.

Sean and Brian
Thanks Guy's

Sean / Brian,

You guy's are very welcome. Don't give up, we'll find a nice car for you soon. BTW, if one of you can find a new home for my Camaro I'll give you a commission. ;)

hope to make it (spectator style)

i hope to make it out there. looks like there's gona be some serious whoop ass going on.

i wont flounder on the sign up next time

good luck guys
