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For Sale: brand new cam sensor


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Feb 11, 2006
still in "Standard" box, still has rubber band holding wires to shaft. make offer sorry no pics but we all know what these look like
Or you can go to
and get the standard PC16 for 44.79 and enter the discount code 5AAD58002264 and get 5% off for a 42.55 plus shipping.
wow how does Kirban still sell them for $129? YOU HAVE FOUND THE MOTHER LOAD!! for the next 4sec who ever pm's me can have it for free since these are just falling off the shelves now. oh yea if you dont want to buy it dont F*C*IN post a$$H@L# read the rules.... but your post count went up by 1 congratulations!!!
no one?!?! damn guess i better throw it away, i cant even give it away! i will include a $20 for your trouble of PMing me?
Post a frickin price, will ya? If you want to get pissy about the rules you'd also know this isn't an auction house.
You can order the same Standard unit #SU164 at Autozone all day for $43.99.
Don't want to add salt on any open wounds here, but back in April-May when whatever hit the fan, a lot of people ordered what appeared in the catalogues at Auto Zone, Rock, & similiar places a complete cam sensor, but received only a cap. Also, why would Roc charge $ 300+ when AZ sells them for $43. If you do a search, you will see where a lot of people received only a cap for $43+. Also, while you guys are squabbling, if that thing has never been mounted nor modified, new in original box, original, I will take it at $ 85 if no one else wants it.
All I know is that I have one right in front of me in a Wells Package that I purchased. Its not a cap and is definitely a brand new cam sensor assembly. If you choose to not believe me, then I'm sorry. I will be ordering another one tomorrow to take advantage of an obvious good deal before the price goes to $300.:rolleyes:
Hey Tim, Is the Wells part also a repackaged Standard part? ie. does it also have the GM part number stamped on the shaft?? THanks, Scott
Scott, yes it is. It has the GM part # printed on it. It reads: 25516915 Assembled in Mexico.
All I know is that I have one right in front of me in a Wells Package that I purchased. Its not a cap and is definitely a brand new cam sensor assembly. If you choose to not believe me, then I'm sorry. I will be ordering another one tomorrow to take advantage of an obvious good deal before the price goes to $300.:rolleyes:

When did you buy that?
Does the cam sensor itself carry any indication that it is or was made by Standard Mgf. Co?
Wells stuff generally sucks but if they only repackaged it, that might be ok.
Bought it back around September if I remember right. As far as indications go, no there aren't any that identify it as Standard. I do know that it is identical in every way with my original stock unit down to the font used on the part#. I did not intend to become a sensor expert here, I am just stating the facts as I know them. There was a thread back over the summer I believe, that I wish I could reference where someone that appeared very knowledgeable on these stated that Standard made them for GM and also distributes them still under Wells and other suppliers. That was good enough for me, especially for $43. At that price I will gladly swap out 6 "junk" ones before I'll justify $300 for one. They are very easy to swap. I'm just trying to help since people are posting up questions about the expensive ones. :smile: