France Bashing

tom h

Active Member
Sep 1, 2001
"Going to war without France is like going deer hunting without your accordion."
-Norman Schwatzkopf

"We can stand here like the French, or we can do something about it."
-Marge Simpson

"As far as I'm concerned, war always means failure." - Jacques Chirac, president of France.
"As far as France is concerned, you're right."
-Rush Limbaugh

"The only time France wants us to go to war is when the German army is sitting in Paris drinking coffee."
-Regis Philbin

"The French are a smallish, monkey-looking bunch and not dressed any better, on average, than the citizens of Baltimore. True, you can sit outside in Paris and drink little cups of coffee, but why is this any more stylish than sitting inside and drinking large glasses of whiskey I don't know."
-P.J. O'Rourke

"You know why the French don't want us to bomb Saddam Hussein? Because he hates America, he loves mistresses and wears a beret. He is French, people."
-Conan O'Brien

"I don't know why people are surprised that France won't help us get Saddam out of Iraq. After all, France wouldn't help us get the Germans out of France!"
-Jay Leno

"The last time the French asked for 'more proof' it came marching into Paris under a German flag."
-David Letterman
Presidential decision...what would you do?

Scientists have discovered a meteor headed toward earth that will strike France in 2 days, at approximately 2:30 A.M. The meteor is large enough to completely wipe France from the face of the earth forever. France and the UN have requested that the United States send all available ships and aircraft to help evacuate the country. Among the ships and planes you could be sending are many that are being used to fight the war on terror.

As the President, you must decide: Do you.

A) Stay up late on the night of the impact to watch the coverage live?
B) Tape it and watch it in the morning?
Re: Presidential decision...what would you do?

Originally posted by striker_29
Scientists have discovered a meteor headed toward earth that will strike France in 2 days, at approximately 2:30 A.M. The meteor is large enough to completely wipe France from the face of the earth forever. France and the UN have requested that the United States send all available ships and aircraft to help evacuate the country. Among the ships and planes you could be sending are many that are being used to fight the war on terror.

As the President, you must decide: Do you.

A) Stay up late on the night of the impact to watch the coverage live?
B) Tape it and watch it in the morning?

Cost of a meteor destroying France: Priceless
We all need to boycott French made products.........Oh wait, they don't make anything usefull. Forget it........;)
"I'd call the French scumbags, but that would be a disservice to bags of scum worldwide". ~Dennis Miller