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turbo swimmer
Mar 2, 2003
i know its not as good as some/ most other races out there, but it was funny and thats what counts. the other night i was on my home from a friends house down a pretty clear 4 lane highway. i got stoped at a stop light, first in line and i saw a bright yellow (even in the middle of the night) honda with a 35' sprint car wing and bright blue lights turning onto the highway. after I got the green light i drove past him( he wasn't on the highway yet) and slowed down to barely over 40, he was right beside me passing me, probably only going 65 i nailed it and flew past him, but he didn't follow me. so i slowed back down to about 45 again and let him catch up to me again and i hit it again, still he didn't get the idea (these import drivers are idiots). thats about the time he got the idea, I heard a loud fart behind me, i let him catch up and hit it, and killed him, i backed off at about 80 and let him catch up again and beat him again. I had to SLOW down to keep the race fun. I thought it was pretty funny, he drove off either giving me a thumbs up or the finger, i'm not sure which but I have a pretty good idea which one it was.

Ok, there was someone here who once had said the hilarious phrase of "you raced a Honda?? you kick puppies too??" heheh but all things considered...EVERY Riced out Honda DESERVES an A$$ Whopping! lol.
yea, sorry, i guess i should stick to little old ladies and their wheel chairs, there all abut as fast. either way its one more dumb kid having his a$$ handed to him by another not so dumb kid
Originally posted by denn454
so i slowed back down to about 45 again and let him catch up to me again and i hit it again, still he didn't get the idea (these import drivers are idiots).

Actually he was probably smarter than the average ricer. I'm guessing he was chitting his pants at the time thinking, "Oh no! A GN! No sense in even trying; I'll get killed."

And when you pushed the issue he may have just thought, "Well, he's not going to leave me alone, so I may as well try a fly-by. Maybe I can catch him off guard. And imagine the stories I'll able to tell on the 'Net if I actually win."
key word smartER. but it looks like any other regal, other than the hood and the turbo tags, and it was dark enough he couldn't see the tags and he was behind me the whole time so he couldn't see the hood, so i would say he is just another wanna be vin diesel.
If the ricer is asking for it theres nothing wrong with giving it to him. Also someone them need to be picked on to be put in their place. A fart can and type-R badge doesn't make it fast and they need to know that. As far as kicking puppies goes thats just wrong, i love my german shephard:D
Sleep through breakfast, Rice for lunch, Horsemeat for dinner. Works for me. :cool:

I've seen a few puppies that look like they would tear my foot off if i tried to kick them. :)
that hurts

i just picked up a 87 gn.i goes pretty good but my little nissan sentra would kill it 12.03@122 roasting my MT through all 5 gears at 19 psi.maybe you guys can help me dip this gn into the 11's,kinda new territory for me.thanks
if you need help then this is definitely the place to look. welcome to the forum.
