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Jan 25, 2006
Several months ago my black T was stolen. I was going through a rough spot with my twi cars and basically gave up on them and me,before it was stolen. My blue T was giving me issues burning oil so we pulled the motor and had the heads redone as the valve seals were in pieces, no big deal put the motor back together and back in the car sucks a gasket thru the tubine and destroys that turbo,no big deal so I pull the turbo off the other car which is broke anyway horrd motor noise good turbo well that turbo sucks up something and destroys it now out two cars that dont run time to sell and very mad at turbobuicks:mad: So I hastily get on and put them both up for sale. Get the black one sold and over the weekend sitting on my trailer in my driveway it is stolen!!!!! WEll I end up selling the blue car to try and recoupe some of my loss. So life goes on and I check turbobuick for any parts or cars go to every swap meet and car corral parts for sale post even go to norwalk for halloween classic nothing!!!!So my best friend and fellow police officer calls me up and says he we have a lead on youre car get all youre owners info. title old insurance stubs and registration I will pick you up from work. We go over to his partners house on the other side of town says he has to pick up something alright meanwhile I am just filled with anticipation!!!So we get there and him and his partner are talking shop I am like come on man lets go so we walk out of the house into this fantastic garage where there is his partners car and a car under a cover. I ask to see whats under it and low and behold as I peel it back my baby is revealed unharmed and then my parents and other friends to come out and see my expression and excitement. I ask who,why and where is Chip Foose as I feel like I have been overhauled. It was all my Moms plan as she could not stand to see me sell the car I have always talked and bragged about so she schemed up a plan with my fellow pals and stole my car,then paid to have then engine rebuilt along with a new turbo now she and the car mean that much more to me. An old boss once told me there is one true love in youre life and I told him must be youre wife and he said no!!!!!Its youre Mom Thank you mom. She broke my heart by stealing it and then revived it by bring her back. I just want to say thanks to all my friends and family who pulled this off Thank You everyone Sincerely Scott
Awsome!!!!!! I live in michigan aswell, near detroit and she can steal mine too! anytime she wants too :)

Great story!!!
I forwarded this over to my mom.... and she had 2 words for me. :rolleyes:
lol you better give her a big hug and tell her you love her or I will adopt her lol. Daniel Ray
Thats Awesome Man ,you Give Your Mom A Hug For Me And All Of The Guys And Girls Who Own Gn's. Your Mom Must Be The Best Thank Her As Often As You Can ,and Treasure The Time You Spend With Her