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FS - SMC Progressive Alcohol Kit


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Hey Phil Hows it going? Got that T running yet?

I got something up my sleve. ;)
it will be back in the frame by this weekend.. still gotta pipe the water lines to the new turbo and i'm installing a rack and pinion conversion..


BUMP for ya
Guys, I just blew my frickin trans. This sucks. Had to get towed home.

Who has a billet drum? Anyone know someone besides Jimmy who might have one. Jimmy has some on order but will not be there till next week.
Rick, what the hell did you do????? Did you try CK for the Billet drum yet????

Who built that trans? I know Jimmys has drums on back order, thats what took soooooooo dawn long for mine trans to get done.

Brian from these boards might have a drum he would sell you.
PM him. I take it thats what you blew? Anything else damaged?

That really blows man... no pun intended!
Jimmy built it. I'm on my way up there now. There is a chance he might get one in today. I've got my fingers crossed. ;)
SMC kit

I'm really interested in buying your kit, but i'm looking at buying Razor's kit as well comparing the kits. I see good reviews for SMC, but I see a lot of people using razors' kit. So im on the fence.

Rick, if it is not sold I will take it.

Sent you a PM as well.

