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Gaggle of Supercars kill each other


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money obviously doesn't buy common sense or driving ability! I like how the hot rod Prius is right there in the mix with the supercars, and even gets mentioned on the vid.
The prius probably wasn't even directly involved but just saw a pile a expensive cars wreck in front of him and thought "PAY DAY" and just aimed for the nearest one.
The prius probably wasn't even directly involved but just saw a pile a expensive cars wreck in front of him and thought "PAY DAY" and just aimed for the nearest one.

I'm betting the Prius caused the whole thing...probably cruising along at 10kph under the limit trying to save the world from global climate change, and using his turn signals and got in the way of all the Supercars who wer just out having a good time.
Stupid Prius drivers are a menace!
They should create a special lane for it the Pokeymon lane... and tell them to stay in it so the rest of us can have fun!