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Gas mileage


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Active Member
Apr 25, 2017
Well guys,
I’ve put quite a few miles on the T since I got her back on the road. Numerous trips north to see my father, who’s been on the ill side for quite a while. So, I did a show a couple weeks ago, and thought the gas gauge was acting up, so I started REALLY keeping an eye on it, to my dismay, it’s working fine.
So started tracking my gas mileage, HOLY S&$T, was I a bit surprised, pulling 32+ on the highway!!!!!!
Just finished another run north to see pops, 437 miles on 13.5 gallons of gas, 32.37 MPG, the only thing that I did this year so far to affect mileage is the RJC power plate, I don’t know if it’s a fluke or not, but last year, trips to see pops, I was only getting 23, it was 1 1/4 tanks round trip to see him, have done 3 trips since the power plate install, and each trip, 437-440 miles, 3/4 of a tank.
The Power Plate, at these gas prices has already paid for itself, one of the best mods I have ever done.
Don’t know if it’s a fluke with my car or not, but after 3 round trips, and money saved, I couldn’t be happier!!!!!!!!
Are you sure that you don't have the dual tank model? That is pretty good ( great) mileage. I can't keep my foot out of it long enough to get a mpg reading. If you've noticed, not much talk about gas mileage here on this forum. I wonder why??
Are you sure that you don't have the dual tank model? That is pretty good ( great) mileage. I can't keep my foot out of it long enough to get a mpg reading. If you've noticed, not much talk about gas mileage here on this forum. I wonder why??
Not the dual tank model, notice, that’s Highway mileage, not much call for getting in it rolling 70 down the highway!!!!!
I just surprised me that my highway mileage changed that much with the Power Plate.
Yes, I do agree, MPG isn’t discussed here, because it’s a mute point with our cars, it’s kinda hard to keep your foot out of it!!!!!
What do you have for a ECM ?

I have the FAST unit so I can see a reading in my dashboard tab the reads "MPG" and need to take a long trip in it to see how accurate that reading is.

BTW I also have a power plate on my engine.
Just have the factory ECM with TT 5.7 chip.
They are just leisurely drives, not a lot of foot in the pedal. I don’t get nearly that when I’m in town, because can’t keep my foot out of it, lol
Just have the factory ECM with TT 5.7 chip.
They are just leisurely drives, not a lot of foot in the pedal. I don’t get nearly that when I’m in town, because can’t keep my foot out of it, lol

Leisuerly at what speed?

Gas mileage drops greatly past ~65mph because of drag. If you're putting along at 55mph on a bone stock car with a 5.7 chip, what you're reporting is possible.

But another possibility is your tires are too small or something is up with your odometer and you're logging more miles than you're actually traveling.
I remember reading a Car Craft magazine back in the late 90's ( maybe 96 or 7) where they were having one of their street car shootouts. It was where they put 6 cars thru all of the paces and there was a white 87 T Type with some 5 star rims on it that averaged 41 mpg on the cruise. Everyone was shocked. I believe the owner had stated that he had the Accel DFI setup that had the dials on it and had reduced the injector duty cycle down to like 40%, I don't think that you can go a mile per hour over 55 but he proved that it could be done.
No way man. I've done a number of highway only road at 55 with cruise and even then 24 mpg max was it. Sumpthing ain't quite adding up here?
Math don’t lie, 437 miles, 13.5 gallons of gas used, equals 32.37 mpg, 3 round trips to see my dad, after each trip, fill up, 13.5-13.7 gallons to top it off.
Odometer is reading correct, didn’t run it down the road screaming, took my leisurely time 60-65 on the trip.
Tires are the correct size.
I don’t nearly get that if I’m getting into it or running 70-75 down the highway,
It’s a much nicer trip taking the scenic route up north to see pops anyway.
Mine pulled 830fwhp at Richard Clark’s a few years ago and gets 24mpg with the Cruise on.
Just with quick math I went 75 miles with 5 gallons as a first test.

Will do more testing I already found one issue.
My dad has always kept track of gas millage since the day his GN was delivered new. I recall well in the late 80's he regularly was averaging 7.8 L/100km, which works out to 32 mpg (US gallon). When the ATR Pitbull chip went in it increased to 34 mpg. I never even got close to that! But being a teen at the time ..... should we expect an differently :)
In one of my cars I had a Thrasher chip that got 34mpg driving it easy on a long road trip. Surprised the hell out of me because normally it was much lower since I beat on it a lot.
That is great mpg. I took my T out for a nice drive this evening and promised myself not to get on it. Absolutely no boost! Ya right! I made it until almost home and I needed to change lanes and the nice folks in the other lane didn't want me to get in front of them and I took off kind of fast at a light and I heard a familiar squealing noise coming from the rear tires and I looked at my boost gauge and it was 10+. I think I blew it.
That is great mpg. I took my T out for a nice drive this evening and promised myself not to get on it. Absolutely no boost! Ya right! I made it until almost home and I needed to change lanes and the nice folks in the other lane didn't want me to get in front of them and I took off kind of fast at a light and I heard a familiar squealing noise coming from the rear tires and I looked at my boost gauge and it was 10+. I think I blew it.
Black Crack. The only way I can not get on it is to keep it in the garage.
I only pull that mileage when headed to see pops, it’s a long slow cruise, no need to get on it, now driving around town and light highway driving, not even close.
The whole thing is, I only installed the RJC power plate this year, and was happy that I was able to justify the money spent, and garage time with my “baby” to the money saved to the wife, definitely made life easier for a day or so, LOL
After a test I got 14 MPG with the ACs so the E3s got almost 10 MPG more, but the performance is better with the ACs

Maybe with a little more tuning with the E3s, It may start easier.