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Their are many advantages too the Glock I stated other in my other posts,If you havent listed to the news or read the papers latley officers are getting guned down at an alarming rate across the nation,In Detroit 8 officers lost their lives in the line of duty this year.yes it is the wild wild west out their for police officer in the city of Detroit . 3000 officers in the city of Detroit and not one failure from this weapon.
BlownZ I'm not sure if you are an officer or not but in situations like I stated in my other post happen in 100th of a second,not reaching for the safty could be that split second that you need to servive out their. also as a police officer in the city of detroit we average about 15 priority police runs a night per sct car,13 pct about 6 scout cars on duty,3 shifts,you do the math.most city average about 1 priorty run a week per city.The stories I could tell ,pictures I have seen,one with a LA police officer laying on the floor of a party store with his brains blown out with his barretta still in his hand with the safty still on,guned down by two punks trying to rob the place.
Originally posted by fast eddie
Their are many advantages too the Glock I stated other in my other posts,If you havent listed to the news or read the papers latley officers are getting guned down at an alarming rate across the nation,In Detroit 8 officers lost their lives in the line of duty this year.yes it is the wild wild west out their for police officer in the city of Detroit . 3000 officers in the city of Detroit and not one failure from this weapon.
BlownZ I'm not sure if you are an officer or not but in situations like I stated in my other post happen in 100th of a second,not reaching for the safty could be that split second that you need to servive out their. also as a police officer in the city of detroit we average about 15 priority police runs a night per sct car,13 pct about 6 scout cars on duty,3 shifts,you do the math.most city average about 1 priorty run a week per city.The stories I could tell ,pictures I have seen,one with a LA police officer laying on the floor of a party store with his brains blown out with his barretta still in his hand with the safty still on,guned down by two punks trying to rob the place.

Source? Link?

I do not doubt officers face dangerous situations...not what I said. What I meant is that an officer isn't in a gun duel with a bad guy...they don't square off and draw like Wyatt Earp. A fatality is usually the result of a gun battle, ambush, multiple shots fired etc type of situation rather than who is quickest on the draw.

Even that being the case I would be willing to be a weeks pay that anyone proficient with their firearm will not be slowed by the safety. If they are then they did not train enough with the weapon.

If you prefer HK then that is fine, if you prefer Glock then that is fine too but putting an HK down because it has a safety on it is irresponsible and not accurate.
The officer in LA was on a police run to the party store had his gun drawn and the perp drew on him, the offfice unaware that the safty was on when he tryed to return fire. Hk are fine for swat teams who are going into a hostile situation,great weapon,I could buy 3 glocks for the price of one Hk.just because they cost more dosent mean its better. yes officers are in gun duels with the bad guys and are out guned much of the time.I have no source or link just real world experence.
Originally posted by fast eddie
The officer in LA was on a police run to the party store had his gun drawn and the perp drew on him, the offfice unaware that the safty was on when he tryed to return fire. Hk are fine for swat teams who are going into a hostile situation,great weapon,I could buy 3 glocks for the price of one Hk.just because they cost more dosent mean its better. yes officers are in gun duels with the bad guys and are out guned much of the time.I have no source or link just real world experence.

So back to my statement that if an officer is proficient with his weapon then the safety is a non-issue. This sad as the story is....was not proficient with his weapon.

I agree with you....glocks are a great gun.
Proficient has nothing to do with it,talking to you is like talking to a perp if you havent been in any of the above mentioned situations you dont know what I am taking about.

All most people have to compare these situations with is TV ,noting like the real thing.saituations go from good to bad to deadly in split seconds,you must be prepared at all times but some times any little advantage like no thaving a safty could save your life.
I am done with all this sh*t,just go on a ride along in any major city on a weekend between 12 and 4 in the morning and you will get alittle taste of what i am talking about.
Feel better now?

Thanks for degrading the conversation to the level of an idiot. You sound like a perp....give me a break.

Why must a gun that has a safety...have it on? If timing and speed is everything then why not carry the gun in battery and ready to fire? Just because the Beretta had a safety....the officer could have carried it without it.

I can't believe this has to be explained. I'm done.
Originally posted by fast eddie
Proficient has nothing to do with it,talking to you is like talking to a perp if you havent been in any of the above mentioned situations you dont know what I am taking about.

All most people have to compare these situations with is TV ,noting like the real thing.saituations go from good to bad to deadly in split seconds,you must be prepared at all times but some times any little advantage like no thaving a safty could save your life.
I am done with all this sh*t,just go on a ride along in any major city on a weekend between 12 and 4 in the morning and you will get alittle taste of what i am talking about.

I can't let this go...are you really saying that being proficient with a handgun has no bearing on the speed with which an officer or anyone could bring that gun to bear and return fire? Can you possibly be saying that proficiency and training have nothing to do with this?

If training is not helpful then why do all PDs do it? I'd put my money on a very proficient person using a safetied handgun than I would someone who isn't with a Glock or anything else.


I think the one watching too many episodes of COPS is you.
Correct me if I'm wrong, since it's been a while since I've shot a Beretta 92F.

What I remember of Beretta 92F pistols the "safety" is no more than a decocking device. When activated the "safety" on a Beretta simply decocks the hammer thereby making the pistol ready to fire the first shot double action by simply pulling the trigger. After firing the first round the pistol then fires on single action. I don't think there are really any safety devices to manipulate. As I recall it's basically a draw it out and pull the trigger weapon just like the Glock. :)
Originally posted by TRBON8R
Correct me if I'm wrong, since it's been a while since I've shot a Beretta 92F.

What I remember of Beretta 92F pistols the "safety" is no more than a decocking device. When activated the "safety" on a Beretta simply decocks the hammer thereby making the pistol ready to fire the first shot double action by simply pulling the trigger. After firing the first round the pistol then fires on single action. I don't think there are really any safety devices to manipulate. As I recall it's basically a draw it out and pull the trigger weapon just like the Glock. :)

:D Don't confuse anyone with facts. :D

your statments speak for yourself.

no one is perfect not even you,make a mistake or not be 100% every day at work and it could cost you your life. not true with most jobs.

Gaston Glock never made a hand gun in his life,he went to the militarys top people to help design this wepon.

A glock will never accidently go off if you drop it throw it, you have to pull the trigger to make it go off,can't say that for other wepons.

With the mag out of a Glock you can still fire the wepon,not true with other hand guns.

The mag of a Glock has no lip on the front of the mag to catch on anything while in battle or just geting out of your scout car,bump the mag Glock still fires,bump the mag on other hand guns and the wepon might fire or it might not.

Their are otheer reasons while a glock is perfered by most law inforcement agencies.

The Glock has no external hammer to catch on , some wepons
will go off if the hammer is accidently pulled back and released mager problem if you are driving around in your sct car without the safty on,But not with a Glock ;)

Their are some reasons why Glock are the perfered weapon of law enforcement around the world.
Beretta 92FS

If you release the triger with out the safety on the weapon will fire,everything else you stated is true.
Re: blownz

Originally posted by fast eddie
your statments speak for yourself.

no one is perfect not even you,make a mistake or not be 100% every day at work and it could cost you your life. not true with most jobs.

Gaston Glock never made a hand gun in his life,he went to the militarys top people to help design this wepon.

A glock will never accidently go off if you drop it throw it, you have to pull the trigger to make it go off,can't say that for other wepons.

With the mag out of a Glock you can still fire the wepon,not true with other hand guns.

The mag of a Glock has no lip on the front of the mag to catch on anything while in battle or just geting out of your scout car,bump the mag Glock still fires,bump the mag on other hand guns and the wepon might fire or it might not.

Their are otheer reasons while a glock is perfered by most law inforcement agencies.

The Glock has no external hammer to catch on , some wepons
will go off if the hammer is accidently pulled back and released mager problem if you are driving around in your sct car without the safty on,But not with a Glock ;)

Their are some reasons why Glock are the perfered weapon of law enforcement around the world.

Maybe you missed the fact that I too am a fan of the Glocks. That isn't even the point.
Originally posted by TRBON8R
Correct me if I'm wrong, since it's been a while since I've shot a Beretta 92F.

What I remember of Beretta 92F pistols the "safety" is no more than a decocking device. When activated the "safety" on a Beretta simply decocks the hammer thereby making the pistol ready to fire the first shot double action by simply pulling the trigger. After firing the first round the pistol then fires on single action. I don't think there are really any safety devices to manipulate. As I recall it's basically a draw it out and pull the trigger weapon just like the Glock. :)

Yes, it's a decocking device, but if you leave it down, it is a hammer block...Gun won't fire...You would have to decock it and the take the safety off for it to fire double action...
I own a Glock and like it. I know quite a few Officers that use them also. There are many good quality guns out there. Who's the best? Just a matter of opinion. I also have a Glock style Smith 40. Good gun. My Beretta 45 is without a doubt the best and most reliable auto I own. Beretta been around since the 1600s. I have known of a few A Ds (accidental discharge)with Glocks within Police depts because of the safety feature on the trigger. They are a great weapon when properly trained but in the heat of life or death......?
hey guys ive said that the h&k is a good weapon and i have spent somtime in the spec ops and thats what we carry and to tell you guys the truth the only deadly weapon is the man using the weapon any real soldier and they well tell its all about the 10% rule with a weapon you have to be 10% smarter then the weapon your using so if that the case then any weapon will do just fine just my two cents
fast eddie You dont know any H&K do you.. You just have an opinions bout guns.. GLOCKS ARE NOT THE BEST FOR POLICE WORK.. ITs what you are good with and thats it.. I LOVE YOUR COMMENT ON THE H&K.. Pull the gun out and find that it has a saftey on.. WEll like I posted before and I AM SURE most departments use this Variant 7. THE H&k USP 40 (READY, HERE IS YOUR CLUE) THE VARIANT #7.. Which has a VERY light trigger pull AND HAS NO SAFTEY.. Variant 7 DAO with no control lever.. ITs right on there site.. Thats what our dept uses.. But all in all.. ITS WHAT YOU CAN SHOOT WITH AND THATS IT.. Many dept use the H&K around here with NONE WHAT SO EVER PROBLEMS. And yes you can drop the h&k without it going off.
Just seems like your one minded.. LIKE MY POLICE DEPT HERE IS BETTER.. BLAH BLAH BLAH.. Dude who cares.. I KNOW NJ STATE POLICE ARE THE BEST ;) But like i said before.. Its what you can shoot.. Many depts around here dont use the H&K with the saftey lever.. It has its own safety in the mag.. When u click the mag release then it CAN NOT FIRE. Thats our saftey and we were trained with it that way.. With NO PROBLEMS.. You can relase the mag so EASY on the H&K.. ITs right on the trigger guard and on both side..
If you look at the picture its at the end of the trigger guard next to the grip.. And scroll down.. It tells the difference in the Variants.. The Variant 7 has NO SAFTEY LEVER... You can carry it around without it ever going off and has been proven with that gun.. It also has the LEM (LAW ENFORCEMENT MOD) TRIGGER..

But relax man.. Any gun is good just as long as the person using can use it use it proper. You shoot what you can good with and thats it..
H&k's are great wepons ,but for the patrol officer Glock's are perfered by most departments,and no Detrot Police Officers are the best:p ;)
Originally posted by fast eddie
H&k's are great wepons ,but for the patrol officer Glock's are perfered by most departments,and no Detrot Police Officers are the best:p ;)
Talk about a thread full of OPINIONS and little facts to back them up.................Whew

Glocks may be prefered by more departments, but that alone doesn't mean they are any better. It could simply mean that the department plays politics and is in bed with a Glock dealer, look at the military using Berretta 9mm's, we all know they aren't the most effective handguns available but there are politics involved.

It all boils down to what the shooter is comfortable and effective with. Personally I can't shoot a Glock accurately and effectively to save my life, but I grew up with 1911's and am much more accurate and comfortable with them. I have tried a few Sigs and H&K's and liked them much better than any Glock I ever fired, but that still doesn't make any one of them better for every single person out there.

fast eddie, why don't we just crush all cars that aren't TR's and GM, Ford, Mopar, Toyota, Nissan, Mitsubishi.......... can all start up production of just TR's since we all know that they are the best car ever built?????? Makes about as much sense as what you are saying, kinda closed minded don't you think.
all my statments are from range officers who train,teach and go to training classes around the nation tought by all gun manufacturs,Police department,goverment agencies FBi , ATF and so on.