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Gold & Silver


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How do you know what we get or don't get? I remember reading your posts in past and I sided with you often.

Silver is at $36.01 now. My plan is also the long haul. Something to leave for the kids. We are defiantly in troubling times.

I know by the conversation going on in this thread. You say, you're going for the "long haul". They're ain't gonna be no "long haul", so I don't see how you get it. If you mean you're going to hold your gold and silver, I'd say yes, do that, because "money" isn't going to worth the paper it's printed on. The American people and the American dream is being taken down deliberately. The people who are doing it, don't need the money. They enjoy seeing us suffer. You should ask yourself how we could have possibly gotten here in the first place, or why our "leaders" refuse to do anything to fix things. It didn't happen by accident and the agenda of our financial destruction is moving forward. I don't know exactly how long it's going to take, but as long as people remain oblivious to what's going on, it's going to be quicker. Of course, I am dealing with an extreme disadvantage. I could explain in much more detail, but I'm not permitted to post in the political forum where such things can be discussed, not because I've broken any rules, but because in order to post there, you have to agree with the oblivious, politically correct, herd. If not, you're removed.
If you dont have it in your hand, How do you know it was ever there;).. If I was to buy Silver I would buy silver that I could hold, and put in my safe..:biggrin: When buying stock in Silver and gold you are investing in a metal that may or may not be there if the Sh## ever hit the fan.. (There is not alot out there)(Over selling)..Now,, If you want to make a quick buck at buying Stock,, Look into (CAT) ,,(CAT is Global, and will Send out thousands to Japan alone ,Not to mention that they are runner up in farm equiptment. which was over 60% johndeer for the past 20+ Years..:) This is one that is said to go to the moon...:biggrin: I picked up (FORD) at 7 a share and sold for 22 a share not to long ago.. Day trading is how to make a return.. Not holding out, because you have had it for ever and it keeps going up.. Thats usually when you loose your whole investment...:wink: The key is to Say (NO) to Greed.... I Buy and sell every day as a hobby.. (Just a hobby). have done so for 10 years now, and I can honestly say that there is still no (GET Rich deal out there). You might strike it good at times, but like I said earler, you better no when to fold...
Silver is going to $100 per ounce and beyond. The falling value of the US Dollar and other world currencies is what is driving it up. Silver is cheap, its true price is being suppressed, due to the ETF funds selling more shares than bullion they have on hand.(Illegal but you know the how that story goes) DO NOT buy ETF's
A good, secure, and inexpensive source:
I'm still in. Even thinkin to buy some more silver, but I'm not going to buy before at least mid-May. I think it will go up pretty well in the next month and settle down again then. I'm in for the long haul, not speculating. I really think there's some profits to be taken in investing quickly and holding over the next 30-days though. It's got room to double again yet in another year or so I believe. But I'd sure like to hear more from gn1090ss.

I think you'd kick yourself next year bison.

Hmm, did anybody else think it'd be REAL smart to jump in when I was sayin?

Gotta revise my projection though. Don't think they'll get it back under control as soon as I originally expected now. But should back off a little still by when I expect to go in again. Still, it'll be more then than now, just calmer and backed off a little from another peak then I believe. What are you guys seeing for the imediate future?

I'm seeing $40+ tonite!!!!

Hope yer still holdin Bison!!!!
Still sitting on the fence?

Its not too late to get in on precious metals.
Another article I found :
Recently your ( US ) Fed Reserve chairman - will likely to continue debasing the US dollar according to the minutes at the recent meeting ( April ) of the central bank’s policy-making committee.

Knowing this its unlikely that the gold and silver will go down in price, ( rather the dollar will increase in value ). This is the same for the CDN $$ too as we had to print money outta thin air to pay for assorted stimulus plans and big corp rescues. There are risks but hearing the monetary policy from the horses mouth should put a little less stress in the decision for those thinking of converting paper to metal.

This is another reason why I am going to get more silver later this month.

Following this stuff is one of many hobbies I'm into
Kitco price: Apr 08, 2011
17:15 New York time

SILVER ROCKETS!!! To da moon.

"By tonight, that'll be cheap."
I see where JP Morgan Chase has bought half the British(I believe it was that one) Copper Market now!:eek:


I've got retarded friends buying up 1-kilo copper bars. Only retarded because it'd have to double it's currently HIGH price to pay them back what they're giving for em. I had the kids sort our dozens of Giant penny jars, works for me!;)

If silver hasn't just about doubled again by November, I'll eat my hat!:D
I know by the conversation going on in this thread. You say, you're going for the "long haul". They're ain't gonna be no "long haul", so I don't see how you get it. If you mean you're going to hold your gold and silver, I'd say yes, do that, because "money" isn't going to worth the paper it's printed on. The American people and the American dream is being taken down deliberately. The people who are doing it, don't need the money. They enjoy seeing us suffer. You should ask yourself how we could have possibly gotten here in the first place, or why our "leaders" refuse to do anything to fix things. It didn't happen by accident and the agenda of our financial destruction is moving forward. I don't know exactly how long it's going to take, but as long as people remain oblivious to what's going on, it's going to be quicker. Of course, I am dealing with an extreme disadvantage. I could explain in much more detail, but I'm not permitted to post in the political forum where such things can be discussed, not because I've broken any rules, but because in order to post there, you have to agree with the oblivious, politically correct, herd. If not, you're removed.

Very, very well said, John. I couldn't agree with you more. You sound just like my wife..another intelligent human being who's very aware of what's going on in our country.

You explained it perfectly.

Bruce '87 Grand National
Very, very well said, John. I couldn't agree with you more. You sound just like my wife..another intelligent human being who's very aware of what's going on in our country.

You explained it perfectly.

Bruce '87 Grand National

I could speak more in detail on this issue, but unlike most Americans here, I am not permitted to express my opinion here at I am not permitted to inform you, or I will be banned. My opinion, apparently, is dangerous to those who are controlling this economy, this country, and our military. Just for exposing and naming those who are responsible for the pathetic condition America is in at, charlie-doo-doo suspended my account, there at that wasteland, for 3 months. You have to wonder why people who are not a part of this subversion of America, not part of the cabal, would silence someone, someone who is one of them, for just trying to inform his friends of what is happening. Of course, I don't wonder. I know why. People are afraid and they are programmed by those who control the mass media. The media and government is blatantly lying to the people about just about everything. The lies are so immense, that when exposed, people can't believe it can be true. But look around America. IT IS!

Speaking of Gold and silver, why doesn't the media explain exactly why gold is now over $1500 an ounce, and silver is ready to hit $45, and government goes about business as usual. They're not trying to fix anything, and haven't, for decades. Sure, they wage endless war against people who are no threat to America. You wonder why fuel prices are rising? Your dollars aren't worth $hit. Why doesn't the media address the reasons why American manufacturing jobs have been sent away from this country. Those of you who believe the economy is ever going to come back, just how is that going to happen when thousands of people are trying to get a few jobs at McDonalds. When are you all going to wake up? Please watch the videos in my signature for the answers.
Gold and Silver look to me like they did in 1979 and 1980. With the economy recovering and QE2 ending I am selling not buying.

As soon as the Fed raises interest rates...even a quarter point you will see the bottom drop out on metals just like they did 30 years ago.

My opinion.