Hard stall when in overdrive only+10 M.P.G.!!!! Good grief

Ya know..........I just started and let it idle.......there's an audible "knocking" noise coming from this new alternator, you can lay your hand on it and barely feel it.

I have a new alternator on the way, just in case.

Again, thanks so much for the candid, timely, help. You have my full, appreciative attention, and I'll reciprocate when I can!
yep.. could well be that the new alt was toast when you got it!
U R most welcome!
I went through 3 NEW alternators when my stock 120 amp alt dies. I swapped to the 140 SS Impala alt (direct replacement) and I also swapped in a new Wal-mart battery. 3 year free replacement!!! It's all I use. You can always find a walmart...

If you're interested in the upgrade to the 140 amp alt. do a search. I posted it around here somewhere and I posted part numbers and prices as well... (I eneded up upgrading the positive and ground wires as well.

Good Luck
Good! Hope there are no more issues for you.