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Has anybody figured out the time problem?


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May 24, 2001
I at least *think* I know what's wrong. It looks like the web server is picking up GMT as eastern time.

So... Since I am in the central time zone, I need to set myself as GMT-1, which is really EST-1.

I know it came up before, but I really never saw any reason as to WHY it was happening....
I think it has always been set at Eastern Standard time. Why, not? It would take two hands worth of fingers for the western coast members to calculate their time from GMT. :)
I asked 2 or 3 times. I just dont look at the time anymore.. Its like 5:35am or something now :D
ummm Jason, GMT vs the time zone I am in (Mountain Standard) should have a differential of -7 make the time read correctly on the board, I have to use a differential of -3 hours (which is roughly whatever time zone is in eastern S. America)...something ain't right!!!!!