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Having Propane problems HELP


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New Member
Aug 31, 2002
I fixed the boost problem I was having, and now a new problem everytime I floor the car and it reaches about 15 lbs or so of boost it pops and hesitates bad and I mean pops not knocks. and its popping and hesitating bad I tried giving it more propane still did it. less propane still did it. Im confused Help please

How much pressure does your tank have, how big a jet is in the nozzle and where is the nozzle mounted?
Hi Jay, Thanks for the reply. The Tank valve pressure on both gauges is three little lines below 5 forgive the crude description but I dont know how to read it. The is jet size is the largest jet that came with the system and the jet is mounted into the pipe that is comming from the front mount intercooler going into the intake plenum.

Okay, either A) The bottle isnt full or B) You need a bottle heater to get the pressure up. I'd rather not say how I would test this theory but you might want to try warming the bottle up somehow to see if the pressure comes up.

I would say to try adjusting the regulator but it sounds like if both gauges are the same then bottle pressure is only 35 PSI.

I'd also start out with the middle jet and tune from there although I do compliment your "jump in with both feet" attitide :)

Oh yea, make sure your cut on point is somewhere around 10 PSI.

I fixed the boost problem I was having, and now a new problem everytime I floor the car and it reaches about 115 lbs

Propane works great but I dont think it will support 115 PSI. You might want to turn the boost down some ;)
Originally posted by JayC

Propane works great but I dont think it will support 115 PSI.

I'm crushed........
I was looking to get serious, boost wise.
How is it without propane, when you run 15 to 20 psi ?

The propane does significantly richen the mixture, so you need to start out with a fairly well tuned combination, and adjust. If you are overly rich, at any boost level, it could cause some weirdness.
Its possible you have another problem that just happens to have surfaced now that you are trying to turn the boost up. If Jay's suggestion doesnt work turn off the propane and just try running on racegas to make sure the propane is the problem.
Originally posted by JayC
B) You need a bottle heater to get the pressure up. I'd rather not say how I would test this theory

***(having vision of jay in the trunk with an acetylene torch)***

"i'll get this bastard heated up..."

I'm with blackbuick87 on this one. (of course Jav C. has more knowledge about this area than anyone- for sure!)

It's just that you should not get pop from the propane.

I don't agree that propane vapor is going to richen up the mixture all that much, and if it does I'd be looking more at a bogging situation (what happened to me with too much propane).

I think it's back to basics on this one. Check for good spark, and fuel delivery. Postons has a fuel guage, and a line long enough to tape it to the windshield for checking wot fuel pressure, and it's about 50 bucks. A scan tool is an investment that's needed as well...

Actually you could be getting pop from one of the cylinders not burning up the mixture. Dirty injector, or bad plug wires, one fouled plug, could cause this. If you have not done so, change the plugs and wires, and check for good strong spark. Most often this is where the WOT pop comes from, IMO.